Art Girona 54mm Philip II of Macedonia


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A Fixture
Sep 20, 2009
North Tonawanda, NY USA
I received my kit of Art Girona's new 54mm release in their "Historical" Series (H-29) from Chuck Robinson at The Red Lancers. Great service as always. I wanted to share a few photos of the kit and comment on the quality to be found in this box. The kit is cast in white metal as always and the sculpting is by Adriano Laruccia. Everybody knows how I feel about Adriano's sculpting talent. He is a true master in this scale.

Philip is an interesting subject as he was a ruthless and powerful warlord as well as the father of Alexander the Great. His work building a kingdom set the stage and launchpad for his son. This is a long overdue subject in this scale. One of Philip's features was his scarred right eye, captured brilliantly by Adriano. The shield is a real work of art as well, being highly decorated. This figure is a real painter's delight. Enjoy!


Thanks, Jim. I was impressed with this figure when I first saw it. The casting on the edge of the shield looks ragged and I see a gap. Can you tell me if this is a mistake in the casting you got or just flash and a gap where it touches the group or his hand?

I wanted to add a little to your review, if you don't mind. Much of this model is based on the finds from a Macedonian tomb in Vergina. Scholars are in agreement that the tomb is linked to Macedonian royal family of Philip II and Alexander the great. The pieces found there include the helmet, shield, and armor seen on this figure:
philipshieldakritasvf3.jpg Philip_Ivory_Shield.jpg
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No one knows for sure who the figures on the shield represent, but many scholars believe they are supposed to be Achilles and Penthesilea. The sculpting looks to me to be an excellent recreation of the actual shield design. Very impressive.

While a number of scholars (including the man who discovered the tomb) believe that this tomb is indeed that of Philip II, others believe that tomb actually belongs to Alexander's brother, Philip Arridaeus. If this is the case, there's a good chance much of this equipment actually belonged to Alexander the Great. The helmet, seen above, could have been the one Alexander wore at the Battle of the Granicus:

"Rhoesaces, another Persian nobleman, rode up and with his scimitar sliced off part of Alexander's helmet, causing a minor wound. Then Alexander drove his sarissa through Rhoesaces' breastplate and into his chest, bringing him to the ground. A third Persian leader, Spithridates, was close behind Alexander and raised his scimitar to strike, but Cleitus, commander of the royal squadron to whom the king's safety was entrusted, anticipated the blow and severed the Persian's sword arm, saving Alexander's life."

Of course we will likely never know for sure who the tomb and equipment belong to. I think it's more likely the equipment comes from a generation after Philip II but I can certainly keep an open mind. It's a well scuplted figure and about as accurate as you can get for one depicting a man from about 2,500 years ago.
Thanks for the additional info on the figure's research. My time was limited last night and you're information fleshes the review out beautifully. There is flash on the edge of the shield but you are right in guessing that I blacked out my thumb nail before posting the picture.

Thanks Jim, hands on reviews with fine close up pics are super helpful. Look forward to seeing you start this one.

Hello and from me to everyone !
I would like to expose my work for Philip on Historical miniature contest of Athens at 18-21 Oct 2012 !


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HELLO Mirofsoft !
I tried to fix it as much as possible true using the discoveries that fount in the excavatios at Philip's tomb.
Pleasε read what i could found about the sheald (UNFORTUNATELY IN GREEKS) but at the end of each paragraph I did a translation for you.

Η χρυσελεφάντινη ασπίδα από τη χρυσοποίκιλτη πανοπλία του Φιλίππου Β'
Αυτή η αριστουργηματική χρυσελεφάντινη ασπίδα είναι το πιο εντυπωσιακό και οπωσδήποτε το πιο πολύτιμο όπλο του αρχαίου κόσμου που γνωρίζουμε. Ήταν κατασκευασμένη από ξύλο, δέρμα και ύφασμα που κάλυπτε την εσωτερική της επιφάνεια. Επίχρυσα, ασημένια ελάσματα, προσηλωμένα με πολλά μικροσκοπικά ασημένια καρφάκια στο εσωτερικό της, στερέωναν το σύστημα ανάρτησης -τη λαβή που περνούσε στο μπράτσο ο πολεμιστής και την αντιλαβή από όπου την έπιανε- και μαζί με τα στεφάνια και τα μικρότερα διάσπαρτα μετάλλινα στοιχεία συγκρατούσαν τα αλλεπάλληλα στρώματα.

The gold and ivory shield from gilt armor of Philip II
This masterpiece chryselephantine shield is the most impressive and certainly the most valuable weapon in the ancient world that we know. It was made ​​of wood, leather and fabric covering the inner surface. Gold plated, silver plating, committed by many tiny silver studs on the inside, fasten the mounting system hold-passing the arm warrior and antilavi where the caught-and along with wreaths and scattered smaller metal elements held the successive layers.
Ανάγλυφα λιοντάρια και Νίκες που κρατούν ταινίες για να στεφανώσουν το νικητή διακοσμούν τα ελάσματα, θέματα με προφανείς συμβολισμούς που αναφέρονται στην ανδρεία και τις νίκες του κατόχου, ενώ το ρόπαλο του Ηρακλή, του θεϊκού προγόνου της δυναστείας, που εμφανίζεται επάνω σε ένα μικρό έλασμα φαίνεται πως ήταν το «φυλαχτό» του βασιλιά.

Sculptured lions and Victories keep movies to crown the winner decorate plates, subjects with obvious symbolism mentioned in valor and victories of the holder, while the club of Hercules, the divine ancestor of the dynasty, who appears on a small plate looks that was the "charm" of the king.
Εξαιρετικά εντυπωσιακός και απολύτως μοναδικός είναι ο διάκοσμος της εξωτερικής πλευράς της ασπίδας που ήταν ολόκληρη επιχρυσωμένη. Ένθετα μέσα στην επιχρύσωση, ώστε να σχηματίζουν ένα πολύπλοκο σύστημα μαιάνδρων και σπειρομαιάνδρων που καλύπτει την περιφέρεια της ασπίδας, βρίσκονται στοιχεία από ελεφαντόδοντο στα κενά των οποίων προσαρμόζονται πλακίδια από διάφανο, χυτό γυαλί -το μεγάλο τεχνολογικό επίτευγμα της εποχής- που πίσω του λαμπυρίζουν χρυσά ελάσματα.

Extremely impressive and absolutely unique is the decoration of the outside of the shield was all gilded. Inserts into the plating to form a complex system and fret spiral-covered region of the shield, are evidence of ivory in the gaps which fit tiles transparent, glass-molded great technological achievement of the time-that behind the shimmering gold plating
Στο κέντρο, σαν επίσημα, υπάρχει το χρυσελεφάντινο ανάγλυφο σύμπλεγμα ενός Έλληνα πολεμιστή που κατατροπώνει μια Αμαζόνα, πιθανότατα μια παράστασητης τραγικής συνάντησης του Αχιλλέα με την Πενθεσίλεια, που διαπιστώνει ότι την ερωτεύεται την ώρα που την σκοτώνει. Ο χρόνος και η υγρασία του τάφου διάβρωσαν σε μεγάλο βαθμό το ελεφαντόδοντο των μορφών, ωστόσο η εξαιρετική ποιότητα του πλασίματος των λεπτομερειών και η τολμηρή σύνθεση των σωμάτων των δύο μορφών που εκφράζει με τρόπο απαράμιλλο όλη την ένταση και το πάθος της μοιραίας στιγμής μαρτυρούν την εξαιρετική ικανότητα του δημιουργού που θα πρέπει να ήταν σπουδαίος καλλιτέχνης.

In the center, as officially, there is gold and ivory embossed cluster of a Greek warrior who defeats an Amazon probably parastasitis a tragic meeting of Achilles with Penthesilea, who falls in love finds that while the killing. Time and moisture tomb eroded largely ivory forms, but the excellent quality of the moldability of detail and bold composition of the bodies of two forms of expressing all manner unparalleled intensity and passion of the fateful moment show excellent ability of the author to be was a great artist.
Λεπτομέρεια από το εσωτερικό της ασπίδας
Αντικείμενο χρηστικό που θα μπορούσε θεωρητικά να χρησιμοποιηθεί και στη μάχη η ασπίδα αυτή, όπως και ολόκληρη η χρυσοποίκιλτη πανοπλία, γίνεται ένα πραγματικό έργο τέχνης που δηλώνει με τον πιο εύγλωττο τρόπο την δύναμη και το κύρος του κατόχου της και μοιάζει να ξεπερνά το πρωτογενές επίπεδο της λειτουργίας αποκτώντας συμβολική αξία.

Detail of the interior of the shield
User objects that could theoretically be used in battle shield, like the whole gilt armor, it becomes a true work of art that indicates the most eloquently the power and prestige of the owner and seems to exceed the level of primary operating acquiring symbolic value.