Oh I really like that! Particularly the groundwork. Very nice idea to have him looking out from a rocky outcrop. Plants are excellent, very convincing.
swralph, Marc, Adrian, gendegaia and Eduardo, many thanks for your time comment my figure. Appreciated!
@Marc, I try to copy Jan van Eycke but I keep missing the objective. I know what you mean, I always push the lights further but I like the high contrast between the tones in this scale. I can paint more smoothly but the result not please me.
@Adrian, you can achieve nice results with laser paper plants from J´S Work.
@Eduardo, this is a easy figure, very well sculpted. Difficulty is the painting of the eyes because are almost closed.
Billy and Zeno, many thanks for comment my work. Appreciated!
My gratitude for the likes also. I changed the photos, they are the same but not so big.