Atlanta 2017


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Active Member
Feb 21, 2007
Hi Everyone,
Mark your calendars for the AMFS Show February 17th-19th, 2017

As we begin the “run-up” to the 2017 AMFS Show there are couple of announcements regarding the Show that we would like to make.

First, in response to popular demand, we again will feature Atlanta Grand Master Bob Langenberg’s Workshop on “Painting Flats”. Last year, seats at this pre-show event were filled before we even had a chance to advertise it so with many folks asking about it we decided to offer it again.

The Workshop will be held on Thursday and Friday, February 16th and 17th, 2017. The size of the group will be limited to 12 students so if you have any interest in attending this event don’t hesitate to make your reservation.

Cost for this workshop will be $125 which will include the cost of the flat, which you will receive prior to the class, so you may prepare it to your standards. In addition, we will be forwarding info on preparation, colors, and other items which will allow you to have your figure ready to go when the class begins. The thrust of the workshop is for the use of oils, but is acrylic friendly as well.

Lunch on Thursday the 16th will be furnished for all students and instructors.

Because of the students required preparation necessary for this workshop we have placed a deadline on registration. We must have you name, info and fees no later than November 1st, 2016.

In 2017, the AMFS will offer a SECOND Pre-show workshop. The dates will be the same as above, February 16th and 17th, 2017. This second workshop will be hosted by AMFS leading Fantasy Painter, Elizabeth Beckley. An award winning artist of the fantasy genre, Elizabeth will lead her class into the intricacies of “Painting Minis with Acrylics”. (To check out Elizabeth’s work and awards…Miniature Mistress on

The class size for this workshop will be limited to 10 students. The fee for this workshop is $125 which includes cost of your fantasy mini . As with the flat workshop, we encourage you to reserve your slot quickly, to insure a seat. A supply list will be provided once the class is filled. Deadline for registration is also, November 1st, 2016

Lunch on Thursday will be furnished for students and instructors

Contact Show Chair, David Oswalt ([email protected]) for any questions concerning either or both of these workshops. Your reservation is secured when we receive you class fee. Either personal check, postal money order, or Paypal are acceptable forms of payment. (Paypal to [email protected] )