WIP Attack on La Haye Sainte at Waterloo in 28mm


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That's coming together very nicely. I like the small, hidden detail of the understairs lavatory :D. I think the floorboards could do with being scribed along the middle along their lenght, to narrow them a bit, as they look a bit to wide.
I agree with your omission of wallpaper, these kind of farmhouses would have white washed walls. Are you going to cover the ground floor floors with straw?

The bedroom flooring will now be very difficult to scribe due to space so they will have to stay as they are, with the kitchen floor I will probably make it a red tile floor as the floor pieces are separate so it will make scribing that floor section quite easy.

The bedroom flooring will now be very difficult to scribe due to space so they will have to stay as they are, with the kitchen floor I will probably make it a red tile floor as the floor pieces are separate so it will make scribing that floor section quite easy.


Just a quick update, I was able to scale the set of planks correctly to thier 8inch width, this was basicaly half the size of the boards I had fitted, all I had to do was to use my sharp pencil and a strip of wood - marked the centre of each board then ran the pencil a couple of times.
This will mark the line of the planks but also fade when I put a top coat over the top and some washes.
No photos as the phone is on charge - but will tomorrow.

Current state of play - The roof is just dry fitted as I have some figures to fit firing from the dorma windows.

Great progress, those floors look great, it's really coming together. Will you leave the roof removable, or will any interior only be viewable through the windows?
Great progress, those floors look great, it's really coming together. Will you leave the roof removable, or will any interior only be viewable through the windows?

Thank you kindly,

Its all buttoned up now with the roof glued down and some flashing made around the chimney stacks and weathered, the farmhouse is now finished and I ahve moved on to the stables block.

Hi W

Catching up on this thread a bit ! ...WOW certainly moved on , the buildings look really good , love the downstairs loo !!.....nice work on the floors and walls

, good modelling details you've added ....will you break a couple of windows as well ?

Good responses and ideas from Henk as well

Look forward to seeing more

Great progress! I like the texture of the exposed bricks, the crumbled edges. Did you do that to enhance the way they looked fresh from the laser cutter?

In 28mm, it's pretty big. I shudder to think of it in 54mm!

Hi W

Catching up on this thread a bit ! ...WOW certainly moved on , the buildings look really good , love the downstairs loo !!.....nice work on the floors and walls

, good modelling details you've added ....will you break a couple of windows as well ?

Good responses and ideas from Henk as well

Look forward to seeing more


Thank you kindly Nap, will probably not try to mess with the windows now inacse the plastic pushes inside the house.

Great progress! I like the texture of the exposed bricks, the crumbled edges. Did you do that to enhance the way they looked fresh from the laser cutter?

In 28mm, it's pretty big. I shudder to think of it in 54mm!


Thanks Brad, I was just a bit course with my painting to give the bricks a rough texture, same with the Whitewash paint, yep its going to be quite large roughly 2 feet square and going in my 3 x 2 feet display case, with plenty of scenery to make.

It's looking good, but adding a different colour to odd bricks (some a bit lighter, some a bit darker) will really bring the wall to life, as a light wash of a dark grey over the white plaster will. It all looks a bit bright and uniform right now.
It's looking good, but adding a different colour to odd bricks (some a bit lighter, some a bit darker) will really bring the wall to life, as a light wash of a dark grey over the white plaster will. It all looks a bit bright and uniform right now.

Thank you Henk, I added a small amount of a dirty wash to the farmhouse lower walls and the piggery, I intend to do the same - but slightly more to the stables as they would no doubt have been more dirty than the house, with the brickwork - thats an interesting idea - I might try picking out a few different bricks with a wash and some slightly darker - to break up the uniformity.

This is going to be an impressive diorama. It's looking good so far.