Australian Light Horse 1917 - PiliPili Review


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Australian Light Horse 1917
1/9th scale resin
Sculpted & Painted by Le-Van Quang
2 resin parts

Aussie 01.jpg

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This is the second bust in PiliPili's "Special Series" and depicts an Australian Light Horseman in 1917.

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Aussie 07.JPG

Arriving in PiliPili's small sturdy cardboard box with label / painting guide on the top the figure is also sealed inside a clear plastic bag and wrapped with bubble wrap to insure against breakage during shipping. The kit consists of 2 resin parts. head & torso as one part and the hat as a separate part.

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Above are various views of the chest and head showing the attention to detail and the bottom two photographs show close-ups of the head and chest.

[ continued in next posting ]

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Above we have the four views of the separate cast hat.

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Above are several views of the hat dry-fitted on to the head.

An excellent kit with minimal seam lines on the neck easily cleaned with a scalpel or knife. Excellent detail and highly recommended.
PiliPili Miniatures web-site
click here

Hi Guy,

Thanks for the review mate.

I've made this bust,and overall I agree that its an excellent kit. I would have preferred to see the small rising sun badges added to the lapels and the crescent shaped brass "Australia" shoulder flash on the epaulettes, but you can't have everything I suppose.

Overall, its an excellent bust and full of character.
What a great kit! I love the rendition, and I think that's the first time I've seen freckles painted - very natural, youthful finish.
Many little things make this a great bust and a good example why sometimes less means more. Thanks for the review Guy.