Bandwidth Limits


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Dan Morton

A Fixture
Jul 3, 2004
Great Plains of the Midwest, Omaha, Nebraska, USA,
Could anybody explain kitpic bandwidth limits to a befuddled guy? :(

This is about the third time since I've been posting stuff I've run up against the bandwidth limits on the kitpic free hosting. I actually have some WIP I'd like to post, but can't. Am I doing something wrong? Short of forking over bread to buy the hosting (shudder!), is there something I can do differently to avoid this problem in future?

Confused in Omaha :lol:

All the best,
my first best guess would be that it is possible you are trying to load images that are too big. Not neccessarily physical size (physical dimentions), but file size (bites, megabites etc). Meaning that the images are saved at too high a "quality". If you have a photo editing program, Photoshop obviously being the best, you might go in and see what you can do about reducing the image size of the pics you are using(say from 300dpi to 72dpi for instance). Worst case scenario, you might try right clicking on the images and getting some info from them under "properties". This will at least give you an idea of what you have and if that is the issue. Then you can go into an image editing program and try to reduce the sizes if needed. You might see what the quality settings are on your camera as well and try to set them a bit lower if possible. this might reduce your working files from the get go. I HTH,

Jay H.
Hi Dan

If you realy have alot of trouble with Band Widths, then you could try creating a few more email addresses through Yahoo, to give yourself a lot more kitpic space, I know its kind of cheating, but its not really. It gives you what you need

Originally posted by Dan Morton@Jun 18 2006, 04:20 PM
Jay - I'm using the autosize feature in KitPic and also the Photoshop image size reducer. No offense but reducing the quality of the photo seems counter-productive to me. I'm going to try the second e-mail name approach.

All the best,
none taken! I never know just how much people know about image sizing, so I sometimes take the too-obvious approach at first. You seem to have things well in hand. Good luck!

Jay H.
Dan, if you are using Photoshop, after resizing the picture as it comes from the camera, try to use the 'Save for web' option (.jpeg format), using a quality factor between 60 and 80.