Banner carrier of the 3th prussian husar


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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
her is are picture from a 54mm flat prussian banner carrier of the 3th prussian husar 1743 in progress.





Konrad Schulte
Awesome painting Conny. I love to see flats posted. Welcome to the planet and I hope you show us more of your flats.
Great work Konrad,

I have always find flats beautifull painted an amazing thing to see. What a great painters are the men who paint a flat.
I find the flat that you painted a great work of art. I've seen more flats out of your hand, and they are all pieces of art.
I see you at our show in march 2006.

Konrad has requested a vbench so I hope we will be seeing alot of his work in the future. I have really enjoyed the flats I have painted and would love to do more.
Outsatnding work here! I really love seeing a good flat and this one delivers! Thanks for sharing. BRING US MORE FLATS! :lol:

Jay H.
so many thanks for your nice comments about the figure ;) .

@ Marc: Yes we comming to Antwerp 2006, for 3 days with Marion and Alan. I please you place the beer coldly.

@ Guy: So many thanks for the gallery and the bench.

@ Jay: I will do it

All my best wishes to all

Manfred said exactly what I was going to say...... :lol:

Nice work Konrad, the painting of your horses is really beautiful. I especilly like the black horse as well, exceptionally well rendered. I look forward to seeing more stuff from you as time goes by.
Wonderful! This is super work.
I love flats. (I wish they were more available/popular.)
The trick to a flat is shading and depth to create the 3D effect.
You have done that very well.
I love flats. I want to see more like these.
Two thumbs up.
@ Manfred: Ich glaube das Geheimnis bei der ganzen Sache ist die Reduktion auf einfache geometrische Formen und das aufsetzen der Lichter so das du der Figur Länge, Breite und Tiefe gibst. Ich nenne dies den Y - Effekt. Desweiteren das konsequente Malen in der Komplementärtechnik, dies ergibt sehr tief natürlich wirkende Schatten sowie der Verzicht auf Weiss und Schwarz bei der ganzen Malerei.

@ I think the secret by painting flats is the reduction on simple geometrical forms and pleace the light so that the light gives the lenght, wide, deepness, I call this the Y- effect .
Furthermore consistent painting in the complementary technology, this results in very deeply naturally working shade. As well as the renouncement of white and black by the whole painting.

Sorry for my bad english, I hope you can understand what I mean.

Conny :)

Herzlich Willkomen! Die Flachfigure gefallen mir am besten, und Ihre Arbeit ist erstaunlich! Vielen Dank!

Going back to English, I especially love your colors - amazing blending! Would you mind sharing your recipe for the dark blue of the prussian officer? I paint in oils and I find blue to be particularly troubling - judging by your work, you've got it mastered!

Thanks again for posting your work - please post more!


Truly a BEAUTIFUL work of art!

Well done and I'm sure we all look forward to seeing much more of your work! (y)

Thanks for sharing it with us!

Justin :)
Hello Conny,

very nice to meet you at the planet.

Your figurines are a really great art and it was a adventure to hold it in my hands last weekend.

The best wishes,