Hi Joe
If that's the case, it has to be huge!!!
I once, in a moment of madness, worked out how many photos I have of Bill's work, representing an individual figure. Including the 20+ in Gandamak etc, and all other dioramas. Considering I did this a few years ago, the number was approaching 500!!! 500! Man, thats a lot, and given he's been busy again of late, I hate to think how many there are now!
It would be a MUST BUY, if what you heard was true! Fingers crossed, eh? Could be split into volumes if there's simply too many for one book. Although it would be the ultimate 'coffee table' book for the miniaturist community!
BTW, Mike Blanks website has mention of his book nearing completion (as it was for Euro last year, then Christmas). Fingers crossed (again) we'll see that soon.
Like snippets of info like that, Joe. Cheers!!!