Bill's Book Delivered today


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Good to hear you have recieved your book Bill

I find with mine I notice more and more detail every time I open it

I have my favourites but they are too many to list

Except for "The Souvenier" saw it at Euro...... Outstanding

Well, just bought the book on friday and been looking at it the whole week-end. It's a beautiful book, with hundreds of pics of the best modelling jobs i've ever seen. But there are some mistakes that shouldn't be on a such priced book. Some pictures are heavily blurred (for example The Best Man in the Army vignette), some have printing stains on them (as in all the pics of Braddock's defeat). Have you seen the same on your copies? Maybe my copy comes from a different batch and can get the guys at Andrea to exchange it for a good one.

Although I have not received mine, I have read some other complaints: badly cut pages, out-of-focus photographs, and faulty proof reading.

The high price of the book is justified if you get a first-rate work, specially as far as presentation and graphic contents are concerned; but would it seem that they have rushed the job, so spoiling the final result?

Could those of you that have the book comment on this?

All of the above comments are true to some extent. For the most part the photos reprinted beautifully, but there are a few that came out slightly blurred (3-4 out of 450) - why I don't know, but I suspect a problem with the printer. My copy does not have any marks on the Braddock photos.

The grammar errors are an interesting case in point. When writing a book in English for an English language publisher, such problems don't usually occur, as the editor is responsible for proofing and editing as needed (Martin Windrow is a first rate editor and he performed this task on the Masterclass book). However, when writing a book in English for a Spanish (or any publisher for whom English is not their first language), the editing process is not going to be to the same level. The same problem occured to an even greater extent with Mike Blank's books for Euro Modelismo. An English language editor is definitely something that would be beneficial to future publications such as these.

Having said all this, the book's production was truly an enormous undertaking, considering the sheer number of photos (AP had over 500 color photos to process - some old prints 20-21 years old, slides and in the past two years, digital images). On the whole, I think the quality of the book is very high, and I am very proud of the job AP did in its production.

Hi all,
This book represents a big chunk of a mans life dedicated to pushing and extending the boundaries of the model figure.

What you are getting for the cover price is history our history I have yet to
meet a serious figurist that has not been influenced by Bills work

Ok Bill would say he was influenced by other modelers but I believe he
took established techniques and gave them his own unique spin

The results of which we now see before us.

This portfolio of excellence will stand the test of time to some the images
will intimidate to most of us they will provide inspiration.

If the only criticism is production send it back I am sure you will get a quality checked replacement maybe a bit inconvenient but well worth the wait

My copy does not have any marks on the Braddock photos.

Thanks a lot. That means i've been unlucky :( . I'll ask Andrea if i can have my copy replaced for a good one.

I've read on the lancer SBS chapter that the horse Bill used was sculpted by Bill Merklein (sp?). Are those horses available to the general public?.
Firts of all, Hello everybody, is my first time writting in the Planet.
and excuse my basic-english.

and Now, my dear friend Bill, today I just received your book, only can
say, GREAT, EXCELLENT, it is true that some photos (I think ancient photos)
look whit little mistakes, but, the work complete for me is as another tool
in my workroom for inspirate to me ,as always, in my figures,
congratulations :) .

All the best,
Pepe Gallardo.
Pepe, you need to start posting some of your figures here. I know all the "Planeteers" will enjoy seeing them.

In between the headgear and the rifle Bill had 15 minutes! ;) :lol:

PS_ I'm still ready to beat the postman! Has anyone gotten their book yet from John? I know he's probably waiting too, be patient, it's coming, I know I know
He Lou,

I am also waiting for THE BOOK from John.
Historex in the UK delivered last week.
My friend Gino Poppe can't deliver because he has nothing received from AP.
So i think it is the same with John.
I hope it arrive this week or maybe next week.
It is my Xmas present. It is gonna be bad when Santa has nothing for the big Boss :lol:

I hope just as you it comes this week.

Hello All,
I know many are waiting (I've rec'd an incredible amount of e-mails!), but I still have not rec'd. Pls remember also, I ran that promo for about a week before placing my order ( had to get orders first, since price was so low).
I'll post on pf as soon as I receive. I believe I would have to get delivery this week, in order to ship on time for X-mas, which unfortunately is not looking too good right now.
John, If it were not for your generous offer many of us would be spending the money elsewhere. I'm sure a lot of folks are anxious to get their book. Expect no e-mails from me, when it arrives it arrives. Happy Holidays to you and your family.~Gary
Say it isn't so !!!!!! :(

I didn't know it would take this long. Not angry, just anxious. I figured ou'd be getting 50 e-mails per day. Thanks for posting.
He John,

No hard feelings. I am just waiting.. I am not angry, mad or something. There is nothing you can do about it.
You are also in the hands of Andrea.
I now you did all your best for us here at the planet. Selling for such price is remarkebel. (maybe this is a wrong word) :(
You have all my credits, for now and the future.

I hope just like the rest who is waiting that it come''s yesterday :)

I'll wait and see when.

Thanks for making such a good deal for all the PF members
Dear Bill,

Congratulations on an excellent book. Despite the minor defects noted in the forum posts - a few blurred photographs and some defective captions - the product is still one of the most comprehensive and impressive compilations of the art of the scale military figurine available today.

I have been following your career with great interest since the mid 1980s when your work first appeared in Military Modelling Magazine, and I have kept the 'how to' articles you wrote, particularly for 'Last Stand at Gandamak' and 'The Ghosts of Chillianwallah', as a supplement to the Windrow and Green Masterclass book. These have been a great aid in developing my own modelling and painting skills. Alas, many years of study have prevented me from maintaining the quantity of work necessary to truly maintain and retain that sort of skill level! Perhaps one day, when the study is complete and the children are more self-sustaining, I will have the time available to catch up with the backlog of projects sitting around awaiting my attention.

Perhaps the thing I have admired most about your work - other than the quality - has been your selection of the British Army on campaign in the 18th and 19th centuries, as this isa field that has received but little attention, asthe majority of figure converters seemed for many years to focus on WWII in general, and the Wehrmacht in particular. It came as a refreshing change to see a more diverse range of subject, particularly as a member of the military forces of the British Commonwealth. Also, I have particularly admired your ability to capture the look and feel of soldiers in action, something which has come through very clearly in the compilation in the new book. As someone who has been in the military for over 20 years, and who has recently seen active service, I can see in your work the reflected faces of my comrades - dirty, weary, stressed, jaded, heartsick - as well as determined, courageous and mischievous!

I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future, and hope that you will grace us with more descriptive articles that assist novices and experts alike to broaden our skills in the art.

Again, my congratulations

Glenn Kerr