A Fixture
There is much in life that confounds me these days .... politicians, smart phones. dumb
phones, figures like Zog the death dealer (or whatever), so forth. But what I find more
difficult to understand than anything else is why do we take photographs of our painted
figures against solid black backgrounds ? To me all it does is over illuminate the figure
and increase the colour saturation, so we end up with an entirely unrealistic rendition of
our paintwork. This example of what I mean is a bit lame but might illustrate my point.

phones, figures like Zog the death dealer (or whatever), so forth. But what I find more
difficult to understand than anything else is why do we take photographs of our painted
figures against solid black backgrounds ? To me all it does is over illuminate the figure
and increase the colour saturation, so we end up with an entirely unrealistic rendition of
our paintwork. This example of what I mean is a bit lame but might illustrate my point.