Hope so.....Mr Grieve was judging at Euro and buying a uniform reference book. Perhaps he is due to start sculpting again.................
Thanks for that, will have to try it out tonight.Barrie, discrete application of "flesh" works well to highlight the red tunic...
Mr Grieve was judging at Euro and buying a uniform reference book. Perhaps he is due to start sculpting again.................
Hi Barrie,
Absolutely lovely, I hope not speaking out of turn but wanted to publicly thank Barrie as he has kindly allowed me to use a couple of images when completed for the box art and instructions.
I think this is a superb, clean, crisp piece of painting and consider myself very fortunate to be able to use this, it really does show David's and Barries skill to the full and absolutely compliments the sculpt.
Now I had better get some in stock ))
Very best wishes Barrie
Brilliant rendition of a superb bust.