Review "bolt From The Blue" - Richard The Lionheart's Death From Mitches Military Models


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all ,

The crusades and all its horrors have been well documented and models have been released in the past , this one from Mitches Military Models depicts the death of Richard the Lionheart at the point when he was hit by a bolt from a crossbow in the shoulder , consequently dying from what some believe was an incompetent so called medical man .

Richard was born at Beaumont Palace, Oxford, on 8th September, 1157,

In 1172, when he was fourteen years old, Richard was invested with his mother's inheritance of Aquitaine and Poitou at Limoges.

Richard grew to be a tall man of around six feet four inches, a graceful figure with long legs and an athletic build, in later years he had a tendency to grow stouter. He had an abiding appreciation of poetry and music and a love of fine clothing His hair was red, like his father's, his eyes grey and furious,

He had also inherited the Plantagenet temper, causing him to be continually arguning with his father

At the Battle of Gisors in 1198, he adopted the motto "Dieu et mon Droit" "God and my Right" which is still used by British monarchs today.

On the evening of 26th of March while Richard was walking around the castle directing the siege, an archer, using a frying pan as a shield, fired a crossbow bolt at him from the battlements, he ducked too late and the bolt embedded itself in his left shoulder. In attempting to pull the bolt out, the shaft broke, leaving the iron head in his flesh. A clumsy surgeon working by torch light, although succeeding in removing the arrow head, made the wound far worse and gangrene set in.

When the Castle fell, the archer was brought before Richard, who, aware that he was soon to meet his maker, forgave him, stating "Live on, and by my bounty behold the light of day," he gave orders that he was to be set free and given a hundred shillings. Richard's devoted mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, rushed to his side and was with him to the end, he died in her arms on 6th April, 1199.

Richard was interred at Fontevrault, his mother accompanied her son's body there, burying him, as he had requested, at the feet of his father. His heart was buried at Rouen in Normandy, his entrails he bequeathed to Poitou.

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Lets see what we get :

The model comes in a cardboard box the review model had a B & W photograph on the front , all parts are well wraped up in bubblewrap to prevent any damage.

All figures consist of a full body , arms where appropriate , weapons and shield (see example picture) , we have Richard clutching his shoulder , a knight guarding him and a soldier holding him up .

Title: "Bolt from the Blue"

Material : Resin (gray)

Scale : 70mm

Total figures in set : 3

Total number of pieces : 23 (includes a base)

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Lets look at Richard first:

He has been depicted cluctching his shoulder where it has been hit by the bolt and is being supported by the soldier around his waist .

He wears a long surtout over the mail with protective armour on his legs and a helmet on his head , this is thrown back in agony at the pain of his wound.

The clothing and mail are well reproduced , minimal prep is needed merely a need to remove minute flashing from between the legs and sand round his feet (spurs need to be fitted carefully these are on a small sprue with the figure )

In his hand he holds a sword (shortly to be dropped I am sure!!!) , the blade needs to be fitted .

Facial features are great and he looks as he is suffering ..well done the sculptor ...Mr Adam McMaster

Weapons in the bag includes a sword anda dagger , in addition to the bolt itself (I would replace this with a wire with suitable flights added) .

The arm has a casting plug to remove before fit , minimal use of the filler of your choice is needed with the torso the mail is finely worked and looks effctive .

There is a shield as well (the front being plain ..a good chance to paint the lions !!!! the back is nicely detailed .

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On now to the soldier :

This fellow is holding up Richard with his left arm around his waist , shouting with a mace in his right hand .

As with all the figures the mail is well done and the armour he wears under his sourtout is well done as well , he has helmet to be put on with a shiled to be fitted to the back of his torso .

Facial features are again well done , this will be brought out with fine painting and all figures give the painter a chance to get to grip with armour effects (both leather and metal) .

The fit of this and Richard needs to be done firstly with a dry run before commiting to the superglue !!!!! , when done fit is great , and the 2 torso's when together are close and well fitting , any possible gaps could be easily filled with Mr Surfacer.

Weapons are a mace (the end which is well done and looks a fierce weapon) , careful fitting will be needed , he holds the mace with a strap around his wrist .

Sword and dagger are also included with these being held in the former , together with flashing and casting fills which are easily removed using a very sharp modelling knife .

The helmet has a casting remnant to remove very carefully and when fitted looks spot on .

Minimal flashing is present to remove on the helmet

These 2 figures together would make their own very pleasing vignette .

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On now to the final figure of the trio :

This time we have a knight standing guard over Richard , shield to the fore , protecting against any further danger .

This figure has the same style helmet as Richard and has a well detailed surtout over an equally detailed chainmail garment , his mouth slightly open , looking like he means business and is ready to die for his King .

The weapons are as before incased in flashing which needs removing , these include a dagger and sword , again the shield is plain with the back being also detailed .

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Hi to all ,

Finally we have the resin base , small designed for the figures to fit in , the edges will need sanding down , the ground has a texture on it ...suitable for drybrushing ..perhaps in a dusty and sand colour .

Some will probably choose to expand on this base when placing on a larger display base

This was packed in bubblewrap to prevent any damage during transit .

We also have some more pictures of the weapons and shiled grouped together with the arm sets

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Final thoughts from me :

This is a nice set , putting them together will bring out the modelling skills , careful use of the tools is needed for the weapons and when you are putting them together .....what will you have at the end of this ......

A lot of fun at your modelling table ..resulting in a nicely detailed diorama .

Sculpting is very good , prep is needed but this will be repaided 10 fold when its all together .

The model itself will give the painter a chance to try different effects on the armour ..leather , the shields ..designs etc weathering techniques can also be used .

For more information on this and other products from Mitches Miltary Models contact Gordon either via pm to his PF user name Grod or by e mail to him at [email protected]

or visit the great website where there are lots to tempt you including busts and new ranges details :

Many thanks for the time and effort put into all your reviews Kev. The sculptor on this set was Adam McMaster.
This set will be on special offer at Folkestone for £55 per set whilst stocks last. If anyone would like one reserved for collection please drop me a line on [email protected]
Dependant on availability I may be able to extend this offer for those not attending the show so anyone interested let me know.
Hi Kevin, a very nice review of a very nice vignette. I remember you talking about this recently and I havent seen them before but I would like to paint this one given the chance.