Peter Day
A Fixture
Nice one Kev
Great to see some paint being added to this one (as well as the extra ribbon and lace!)
Too late for you I afraid, but something I spotted the other day whilst trawling is to under paint the shimmer pattern on the sash in metallic silver and then glaze transparent red over the top (Something which I'm going to try on a Napoleonic Marshall bust which I've just bought. See what you've started)
Story of my life ...too late ...what!! you've bought a Marshall bust ..not from Akexandros perhaps
Thanks for looking in
Happy benchtine
Coming along nicely there K.
(I'm sure a lot more would have been sold with this as the box artwork too)
There's a tiny bit of blue on the edge of the sash visible on the third photo which I'm sure you've already spotted. Nice watermark effect on the sash too; care to enlighten us how you did it?
Well done mate. Great to see this one taking shape over the last couple of weeks and look froward to seeing some pictures of the finished item
Great stuff Nap. Historex still have a few French marshal busts left.