WIP Bonaparte’s Mameluke Standard Bearer


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A Fixture
Jan 30, 2017
When I saw the preview of Bonaparte’s Mameluke Standard Bearer on these pages I was really taken by the idea and composition of the piece and was really keen to get my hands on one. I know there were some concerns in the preview shots that the horse and rider might be out of scale but having now seen the piece in the flesh both appear to my untrained eye to be just right. Richard Bailey has done a great job with the sculpt and the detail is excellent and crisp. The Mamelukes face is super and a joy to paint. The fit of parts is very good and there is minimal clean up required although some of the mould lines are awkward to get at. The options for colours on the uniform are varied and will no doubt produce some great renditions of this kit. I’ve also tried to reproduce a horse hair effect on the horses coat on this occasion, a first for me. Still early days and need to go back over the facial markings when it’s a bit drier to get a whiter finish. The saddlecloth and horses leatherwork are still in undercoat colours at present but it’s starting to take shape.
Hi Neal... I knew you would be on this one in a flash.... I was really tempted with this one...still might be.;). great concept.....looking cracking already... (y). Mike
I tried to fight the temptation Mike but no use! Go on, you know you want to....

Hi Neal

Great start .....like others I thought this was right on your radar

Certainly a colourful piece

Looking forward to seeing more from your bench

Happy benchtime


PS ..How many have you got "WIP" ...lol
Good start on that giant of a bust. Like to have a go at him myself, but sadly no more room in the case for these big lads.
Hi Neal

Great start .....like others I thought this was right on your radar

Certainly a colourful piece

Looking forward to seeing more from your bench

Happy benchtime


PS ..How many have you got "WIP" ...lol
Thanks Nap. Couldn’t resist.

Not far off finishing the horse now and will post some pictures up of progress in the near future. Can anyone help with a couple of queries regarding the saddlecloth fringe and metal work re the buckles there on. I have seen pictures of the saddlecloth which show it as green with a red edging but also with a red/white or red/silver edging- can’t confirm from the pictures whether it’s white or silver so if anyone has a definitive answer it would be most appreciated. Was the two tone edging specific to the post of a standard bearer or did it denote a rank distinction of the rider and finally I’ve gone for gold/brass metalwork on the parade bridle but would the buckles on the saddlecloth straps and portmanteau straps be the same or silver. May sound a little pedantic but interested to know.
Bit of an update re this one as it’s taken a bit of a back burner amongst some other bits and pieces. Some progress on the saddlecloth, trousers and harnessing and the reins added. Just waiting on a base so I can start on the plinth and flag decoration and need to finish the standard. I would highly recommend this piece to any fans of Napoleonic cavalry.