Boudica Chariot


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Hello Mr. Kevin Dunne...

Thank you Sir for your comments...

Im very happy because you liked... This will be a different figure/vignette... Its a different concept and idea...

We are doing some changes, to give stability to driver, and put the Boudica in the centre of attention... She will be the STAR...

Thank you so much Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Steve

Thank you for your words...

To telling the truth Im too very excited with thsi answer... Its AMAZING... I just have almost the pieces reserved? How it this possible? People dont see the final result, and are already reserve. Its a big responsability... And Ive a big weight in my shoulders... Imagine that I do something that people wouldnt liked? Ive to mesure everthing for have, in the end, an Outstanding piece... And I already talked with my TEAM... I dont 100% of perfection, I want 200%... And this is the minium that I demand to my guys... I believe will be very good...

Thank you Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
This piece is just amazing,this would be the centrepeice of any collection and an absolute eyecatcher....Bravo Hugo,your ideas are truly amazing,you certainly go from strength to strength and your idea of including the ideas and knowledge of forum members is worthy of praise.
Definately want this model
Hello Mr. Steve

Your idea is very good... But I will do a Limited Edition of 200 pieces and a Boudicca 1/10 Bust... In this moment I can have 100% certain of the price, but Im thinking to put all the 2 75mm figures, 2 75mm horses and a chariot in an AMAZING price... Im great issue is people buy the figure and paint her... And I believe I would have a great price... I can assure I will do everthing that I can do have a great price... I want develop pieces for all modellers... Its my great intention...

About develop just the Boudica figure, I think it will be difficult, because the figure are in interaction with the chariot... It will be strange, in my opinion, of course...

I want to a special piece... With feelings and emotions... I believe people will love her... I almost dont have pieces available... So it will be SOLD OUT before lauch...

Thank you Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Ian

Thank you Sir for your comment... But infortunally this figure in 120mm will be a fortune because the 3D print... Im sorry Sir dont have the chance to produce this in 120mm... My appollogies, and I hope you dont boried with us... But the price is very high... The 3D print is very good, but the price is HIGHHHHHHHH... And sometimes this is the problem... And we need to take small steps, be better and stronger... Maybe in the future I can have the chance to print in that scale...

Thank you.

With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Terry

In first place my apologizes for the delay answer.

Infortunally it will be in 75mm... The price of a 3D print of a piece of his size is HUGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... And it will be very difficult to pay the project... In this moment its impossible to do a 120mm piece. Maybe in the future when RPmodels grow more and be stronger, we can think in something like this... Im hoe yopu dont be disappointed with us..

Thank you so much.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Barrie

My apologizes for the delay answer.

We are doing some changes to put the figures better and to do a improvement all the figure. We want to put the Bopudica in the centre of the attention... She have to be the STAR... For everthing she represented... I will let you with a small turntable video, just for you can see the pose of the Boudicca and the driver...

I hope you enjoy the new changes...

Thank you Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Helm

My appollogies for the delay answer.

I believe that we will do a great piece... Completely different, but it will be very good... I talked with my Team to do the best of the best... Your commitemment it will be a GREAT FINAL PIECE...

Thank you so much Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hi Hugo!

Please think again about whether you really want to show the wagon driver with helmet.

As a rule (and according to all sources I know), wagon drivers did not wear helmets - only the fighters.

Hello Mr. Huw

How are you Sir? My apollogies for the delay answer...

For us it is a great honor when I read you post... Your words tell us we are in a good way... When we saw someone tell us that like the piece, but isnt the favorite period, its a good and positiove answer... This is teh best answer that we have... The other answer is the number of reserves... Its almost finish... We have many, many reserves... I believe I wouldnt have pieces for everyone, and this is another GREAT SUCESS... Im very happy byt this is thanks to all of you, that believes and trust in RPmodels, out Team and me...

Thank you so much Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. David...

Thank you Sir for your words... And my apologies for teh delay answer... I have a tremendous passion in this piece... We will do the best we can to improve the piece.

Thank you so much.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
@ Martin: Given that the Celts were fighting the Romans 2000 years ago, way back in the mists of time, I think it's a bit of a stretch for anyone ("expert" or not) to claim definitively on the strength of what (in the grand scheme of things) are just a relatively few artefacts & records that their chariot drivers never wore helmets and/or that the fighters always wore them (or whatever).

For me at least, a helmeted charioteer falls into the bounds of "plausible" so it's not something I'd get too hung up about (I know one thing: if I was given the job of driving one of those things at speed, I'd want some form of protective headgear :nailbiting:) . But it's Hugo's project so his call, and I'm sure he'll deliver a quality product. Helmet or no helmet.

- Steve
Hello Mr. Marc.

Thank you Sir for your comment... The 3D its just a tool... Nothing else... But we can find excellent scuklptures, much better than our figures that are developed in 3D... We will do the best we can do develop a figure for you can be disappointed... I will concentrate all my efforts on that... In the end you will like Sir...

Thank you Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Helm

This is the kind of armour that we are doing... The idea born when we saw the History Channel...


Has you can see its the same type of armour... In nowdays, this kind of documentaries have many information that we can use. I know we have to have carefull, but after we check the information, and the quality of information, sometimes we have many material that we can use...

Thank you Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello my good friend Paul

This is another one have to be paint by you... And this one have a special touch... LOL... LOL... Its Hugo dream... LOL... LOL...

Im very happy because you liked my friend. This is a special character to me... Its a symbol to me... Boudicca represent Freedom and Fight... Its something that belong to all men and women...

Thank you.
Big ugg.
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Frank

Thank you for your support... I believe in the final end too... It will be a great crusade, but we will do an AMAZING piece...

Thank you Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Kevin Dunne

Thank you for your commentand Im sorry the delay answer...

It will be a 75mm figure set...

Thank you so much.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Alan...

Thank you for your message... Its true... I believe in the same... I believe we need our heroes, independent of country, religion or sex... Today the world have many dark holes, I believe you lived worst days today, than sometime ago... Boudicca lives inside of us with her spirit... The spirit that fight against opression and tirany... The freedom that allow us to speak what we want, desagree or agree with an opinion... The spirit that says that every men and women have the chance to be, independent the country, nation, culture, values, religion, sex...

Thank you Sir...

And this is more updates... Arrive about 5 minutes... In this moment we are concentrated in the chariot driver...




We decided to put Boudica in a higher plan, because we want give relevance and importance to all that feelings that I told you before...

Thank you so much Sir.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Ian my good friend

How are you? I hope you are well...

Its done... Boudica in the higher level... She is the symbol of everthing...

Thank you so much.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Jeff

Thank you for you words...

Ive a special way to see this... Its impossible to know everthing... Its impossible to do everthing correct, and when you do this with passion, because in your normal life you have your own work, its a great help receive from friends and fans so many photos, information, tips, critics and comments... I believe humanity have their evolution, because people are open to new concepts, ideas and changes... If you live in close box, you will never see new horizonts... You never grow up... But this is JUST MINE OPINION... Nothing else... I believe when you have the change to listen people, you hav ethe opyrtonity to be better...

Thank you so much Sir and my apologies for the delay answer.

With best regards
Hugo Pereira