Boudica Chariot


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Hello Mr. General 10

Thank you for your kind words... Im very happy because you liked...

I hope you can get one in Christmas, because it will be a Limited Edition of 200 pieces, and many, many reserves... LOL... LOL...

Thank you so much.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Pete

Thank you for your kind words... You words are the best we can have... Support and indicator that we are in the good path... I believe that if you join our ideas, strenght, teh models will be much better and they have a symbol... Because they belong to all of us... When I told to everyone that Nuremberg Fair Toy Medal belong to all of us, its because I feel that... Id I dont have your support, friendship and believes, we can be in the step we are in this moment, trying always to do something different, to be enovate, to develop figures that arent in the market... Another thing thats very important, is the choosen of the figures... We like to choose heroes, and sometimes they are in the fog... And its our obligation to bring them to the present, for the new generations know them... And maybe the new generations, in somehow, someway, can inspirate them...

Thank you so much.
With bets regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Martin

Thank you for your comment...

Sometimes its difficult to put everthing on... And teh Boudica histoty was written by romans almost 70 years later... Its a shame we dont have the version of the other side, the bretons... People tell teh history on their way... We put our vision of history... Its difficult be imparcial, and in the roman times, I think its impossible... LOL... LOL...

In my opinion, I agree people had helmet... Its the best way to proctet them self. I know there wasnt many armor available, but they defeat roman troops... It was a great possibility to had roman armor... But we will try to do a Boudica for everyone... So what we are thinking to do, is 2 heads, one head with helmet and another head without no helmet. So you have the chance to decide if your chariot driver can use or not use helmet... Its the best that we can do... I hope you like the idea...

Thank you so much.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hi Hugo

Certainly getting some good responses and ideas here the option of the drivers head ...have some movement in the hair of the unhelmeted version .

Looking forward to seeing more

As they say, 2 heads better than one! This option would make each rendition possibly different to its neighbour? Good idea!
Would it be possible to run the 'limited editions' with a certificate [?] and then run extra's as and when people order? Perhaps offer the 'extra' product run with one driver head [offer choice?]. Everybody then gets a chance at buying the figure, and Hugo makes more money? I dont know enough about the actual logistics involved so this may be completely inane!
Hello my GOOD FRIEND Kevin

There are many ideas in here, that we are already doing a compilation, and we will put on the figure... I have many faith in this piece... I thinking we are in a good way...

Thank you for everthing my friend...

Big ugg and take care.
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Ian

Thank you for you for your comment. All the pieces have a Certificate with the number of the piece, when I put my signature on. In other part you have the history of teh character. All the number of pieces are register in a information base, so I know the number of the piece and who bought the piece.

I do this with a big passion... This chariot it will be a Limited Edition of 200 pieces, and I dont do any more. I just do 200 pieces, after that its stopped, and Ive concentrate my effort in the next project. If you see, until know all the figures are SOLD OUT... All the Edition is SOLD. There arent no more pieces... This is the behaviour of the company. I start modelling figures to other companies, and I have to increase my studio, and the stock house is smaller... LOL... LOL... So I prefer work with Limited Editions for I can control all the 3D process... For example, before we put the clothes on, I check all the figure... I check muscles, bones, and when you have stress, you have more adrenalin on the body, so there are a vasodilation in blod vessels... And another type of anatomy and fisiology transformations... RPmodels anatomy and fisiology is very stronger because Ive some knowlodge about this... And Im always need help of reserach and to improve the accuracy of the piece... I take the Edition until teh maxium, after that, its gone... Every day I receive emails, messages from people asking me Roger Ranger, Mad JacK, Lassen and others... But my commitemment is a Limited Edition of 200 busts and 300 75mm figures... For example, after people saw Blondie Hasler Bust wins the Gold Medal in Nuremberg, send me many emails and messages to ask if I have this piece. But its gone... There are any more... And I produce the 200 busts, so its finish. Its just away to see this, and this is one idea and rule that we have in RP. Isnt good or bad, its just a rule that we have.

Thank you so much for your words.

With best regards
Hugo Pereira