Vladi another masterpiece...but i am a bit bored to say all the times that i saw your new figures alwais the same words......FANTASTIC, OUTSTANDING,MASTERPIECES......eh eh eh eh its a joke obviously....i am happy for these new marines figures (how much you did.....) and i am so courious to wait your news...in particular as you know...eh eh eh your new infantry line ...have you just decided the poses of these first two infantryman? Tunnel rat sounds good too...!!! ps: i am waiting from Frank ,sockelshop you last three kits MACV SOG, SNIPERS, and Bros....WHEN THEY WILL AVAILABLE DAMNNNN.....!!
I appreciate your work every day ,when i prepare your figures in my diorama or i try trasform them,or i saw your news....its a fantastic enjoyment!!!
Mario from Italy.