Hi Vladi these figures are very fine indeed.....i just saw(imagine...) them in a rank/queue in the jungle ,behind other your navy seals code 35034 and 35023 with pow and evantually the cong 35013, walking to reach same local sampan ,to leave the jungle after a mission.....very fine indeed!!!
Have you in your near project the idea to realize same other advancing navy seal, may be one african american without hat .....if no in my future project i ll must change the heads of same of your Platoon figures to realize other navy seal that will close my eh eh !!!
Changing series, in tet marine serie you ll realize one doctor with one wounded figure or more wounded figure?
Third usual question....when do you ll realize Big Harold and Junior. of Platoon series? I am waiting for them too...and i am no alone!!!!!!!!
Fantastic figures and project .....i repeat my congratulation as i did every time!!!
PS: THESE NEW navy seal figures , are separated or sculpted togheter ,one on the shoulder of the other?
Mario from Italy.