British Para bust


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Thanks for the feedback guys,

JP - I know what you mean about the gaps in the teeth, it isnt black lines, i have used a wash of alizaron crimson mixed with violet and a dot of raw sienna. I think i will give them another try.

Dave - I have used thinned burnt umber for the lining out, it does look darker on the photos. I'll try and post some better ones.

I think he looks quite nice. I think your colors for the camo are good, and the pattern looks spot-on. With that said, I don't know if your quite done yet, but the camo looks like it could use a bit of "blending". I think if the colors were knocked down a bit in intensity it might give a better impression of being fabric. Some more highlights and shadows on the camo might do the trick. I think the leather straps also need a bit more shadow and highlight. But, If these are not done take my comments for what they are worth. I like your flesh tones and the eyes look really good. Good work!

Jay H.
Hi Steve,

I 'm not sure about dark shadow between teeth.
If you use dark shadow it will look like unhealthy teeth.
Look at yours (lol I hope you have nice teeth) there is no dark shadows. Only red on the top (dont know the name) but its the flesh tone added with red.

Well I do a critic but I4ve never painted a bust with an open mouth yet. So that 's why I'm not sure :)

Thanks for the constructive criticsm guys,
JP I have taken your advice and I tried a number of things with the teeth after looking a various pics I have repainted them using Games Workshop bleached bone and they look much better :)
Jay I'm working on the smock, dulling it down and weathering it.

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