A Fixture
Thanks Guys for all your input on details etc, all very useful and appreciated by me, I was never over there in Northern Ireland so I take my cap off in respect to you blokes who had to deal with it....I was ( and I expect this'll kick off some interesting remarks
) Too busy trying to keep warm around the braiser during that bloody awful Firemans strike of 77 I always remember you guys being pulled off the line to ride on a Green Goddess with no proper training or equipment to deal with a serious incident, Not a good time all round thanks to bad politics, then it went & kicked off all over again 25 years later and the squaddies were pulled off the line again and the same rusty old Green Goddesses were pulled out of storage just as the 2nd Gulf war was brewing in the headlines, nothing learnt from the past it seemed to us old hands, once again around the braisers!
