You've picked up a rare piece there, not many Border figures knocking around these days.
Pete Armstrong regularly used to attend Euro as a trader back in the '90s and I bought a few Border figures off him around the 1998-2000 period when I was getting back into figure painting after a very long lay-off. They were very nice for the time and a few of them still hold up reasonably well today.
In the early 2000s he closed Border Miniatures in order to focus only on railway stuff, which was a shame. I don't have his figures any more (all at various times either sold on, damaged beyond repair in a house move or binned because I was no longer happy with my efforts) but I still have a copy of his book "Ancient & Medieval Modelling" which Osprey bought out as a hardback around the turn of the millennium.
Thanks for the link Andrew. I have on occasion wondered whether Pete was still around.
- Steve