Roc A Fixture Joined Dec 29, 2003 Messages 7,920 Location Philadelphia, PA. Jan 17, 2005 #21 Hello Costas, thank you very much for the kind words,they are much appreciated. Take care and keep up the good work. Ciao Roc.
Hello Costas, thank you very much for the kind words,they are much appreciated. Take care and keep up the good work. Ciao Roc.
Roc A Fixture Joined Dec 29, 2003 Messages 7,920 Location Philadelphia, PA. Jan 17, 2005 #22 Caro Ray, Bill is doing a step by step project on Sculpting & Painting a Prussian Jager , you can find his project in his work bench. Bill Horan's workbench. Looking forward to your step by step, keep up the great work. Ciao Roc
Caro Ray, Bill is doing a step by step project on Sculpting & Painting a Prussian Jager , you can find his project in his work bench. Bill Horan's workbench. Looking forward to your step by step, keep up the great work. Ciao Roc
Calvin A Fixture Joined Nov 2, 2004 Messages 945 Location Uhu? Jan 19, 2005 #23 Rocco, as people says here, "Forza Roma, forza Lupi, so' finiti i tempi cupi!". Beautiful as usual, the only thing you need, in my opinion, is a photoshop'ed background. Ciao, Luca
Rocco, as people says here, "Forza Roma, forza Lupi, so' finiti i tempi cupi!". Beautiful as usual, the only thing you need, in my opinion, is a photoshop'ed background. Ciao, Luca
Roc A Fixture Joined Dec 29, 2003 Messages 7,920 Location Philadelphia, PA. Jan 19, 2005 #24 Luca, thank you amico mio and you are right I have to get photo shop,it is a must. The glorious Roman Empire no longer exists, but the glory and majesty of the Roman eagle shall live in eternity. Ciao Roc.
Luca, thank you amico mio and you are right I have to get photo shop,it is a must. The glorious Roman Empire no longer exists, but the glory and majesty of the Roman eagle shall live in eternity. Ciao Roc.