Thanks everyone for the comments, and kind words! Another subject that I normally would not do, but when I saw the sculpt, well I had to take it on. Women's faces can be a challenge, since I haven't done many I had to take a different approach.
Nap, for this face I used flat flesh, with a little olive green mix as my base coat. For shadows I added scarlet, and violet to the base in small quantities applied in very thin coats to the basic shadow areas. I keep adding the color until
I get the effect I want. I add more scarlet, and violet for a darker shadow on the neck area, around the hair line, around the nose etc. Next I'll use scarlet with my base to add a little red to the cheeks, nose, chin. For my highlights I add basic
flesh color, with white. I build up my highlights like the shadows. I keep doing that until I get the desired results. I hope this helps. Everyone has there on way of doing it, and this was mine. Oh the paint I used was Vallejo, and Andrea.
I'll post more pictures as I progress with her.
Best Regards,