Hello again, Graham:
I am happy to hear you would consider the Bernard
Cornwell new release entitled
Waterloo. Yes, this famous
battle has been covered so many times. But from reading
the volume, as I have approx. 100 pages left. I feel he is
an excellent journalist. He introduces so many interesting
facts yet they do not get in the way of the action. Plus,
the volume, in hard back, is just first class. Even the paper
selected for this volume is quite classy, thick and with
substance. The colour photos of the famous paintings from
that battle are right here, over and over again, plus situation
maps in full colour that help explain the text so completely.
OK, I was a newspaper journalist, in the news art dept. And
I did a lot of maps and illustrations to "explain" the story
for that particular part of the news day. So I feel I know
something about what a good journalistic publication should
be. It should answer the five "W's" . . . Who, What, Where, Why,
and When. Cornwell does this with his straight history,
Waterloo. . . No I am not working on commission for that
publication. . . .
The Miami Jayhawk