Review Chaos Lord from MJ Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hello to one and all

We are only too aware of the horrors that might lurk in an untold world , where unknown lands are ruled by fiendish warrior lords all causing chaos in everyday life .

released a rather gruesome looking fellow a while back announced here on PF and in social media

This time we see MJ Miniatures which is run by none other than MJ Kim who has teamed up with a very talented sculptor namely one Romain van den Bogaert , I am sure we are all aware of his work .


Details are as follows:

Title: Chaos Lord

Reference: MJ09-009

Scale: 1/9th

Material: Fawn Resin

Number of parts: 4

Sculptor: Romain van den Bogaert

Box Art: Man-Jin Kim

The parts were held in bags and packed in a bubble wrap surround all held safely in a brown cardboard box.
Box art was on the top and the ends all in very good colour format , it has an almost "Joker" look about it a mass of colour and very fantasy in style , I must admit the box art was not what I was expecting but it goes to show how good MJ is and also that the sculpt offers much opportunity to the painter ...the only limit being your own imagination.

MJ Chaos 001.jpgMJ Chaos 003.jpg

On the review piece was also MJ's signature ...nice touch to add .MJ Chaos 002.jpg

Parts include the main torso , topknot hairpiece , an axe and a pedestal base.
MJ Chaos 004.jpg


Remove small casting plugs from axe and hairpiece and the edge of the shoulder armour , also a bit of excess resin to sand from the underside of the torso
MJ Chaos 005.jpg
Sand away a fine casting line from the lower neck running down and one on the edge of the axe shaft

Fit axe and top knot .

The base is really not needed IMO as most will choose a brass rod or another method to display.

Fit of all parts are easy to do with the axe having a cast on lug

General comments

You get a lot of resin for the money , cast in a fawn brown resin and Romain has a natural talent for bringing great character and interest to a sculpt and this is what he has done with this piece .


The depiction is of a massively strong warrior , good at battle and very aware of his surroundings and doing what he does best from his victims and at times enjoying the spoils of his actions.....however horrific they might be

His strength is clearly shown by the bull neck , it just reeks of strength and power with Romain getting a heck of a lot into the piece no matter if its its details or the good textures we see.

Powerful neck muscles with straining veins , strong shoulders with bulging muscle all shown with great skill .
MJ Chaos 006.jpg

The face is a dream to look at , the hair is almost all shaved off leaving stubble , we see a growth on the protruding jawline as well ...again nice textures ...a pleasure to run my fingers across the resin !!!
MJ Chaos 014.jpg
The facial features with high cheekbones of the nose are very good as are the eyes but for me its those ears that I love , large and protruding , wonderfully sculpted .

Mouth is slightly open with the brow line coming over the eyes , these are deep set with a rather nifty looking scar over the right eye .

At the top we have a fitting for the top knot MJ Chaos 017.jpg

One thing for sure Romain knows his anatomy and has a great talent in adding small details like folds at the back of the neck , scars wrinkly skin , creases etc .....all adding character .
MJ Chaos 007.jpgMJ Chaos 008.jpgMJ Chaos 009.jpgMJ Chaos 011.jpg MJ Chaos 012.jpgMJ Chaos 013.jpg

The armour he wears on the shoulder again is textured with knocks and imperfections from amny fights he has been in , of course you do not have to paint this as metallic armour it could be anything you choose , hardened leather , perhaps animal bone , the whole thing is sections and angular with really sharp edgings .
MJ Chaos 016.jpg
At the back we have smaller piece of similar armour running across his body , we see a locating hole for the axe.
MJ Chaos 010.jpg

The Chest armour is another area where Romain has had lots of fun sculpting with sharp edging nicely defined , the piece could be the remains of a victims , hardened bone perhaps , a skull feature is on the front , with swirling eyes , an open nasal area and teeth protruding down , again all the undercuts and definition are really good.
MJ Chaos 015.jpg
The Axe is simple to fit and even in resin looks sharp , with various angled edges , again we have cuts and knocks , scratches and of course the cutting edges , the actual shaft is more flattened than normal which is a nice change , the surface has the wood texture which you could use washes to bring out even more.
MJ Chaos 018.jpgMJ Chaos 019.jpg

The Topknot , well is just that held rigidly upright by the wrappings along its length with the top part hanging down . The wrappings are well defined and are almost cord like ..perhaps the latest in hair accessory's for Chaos Lord's!!
MJ Chaos 020.jpg
Simple pedestal in style if you choose to use it pin it .

Final Thoughts

A really good bit of teamwork results in a excellent sculpt packed full of character , the resin colour is different to normal but still high quality .
Box art is certainly different and striking and and although excellent perhaps does not show the the piece off to its best but of course that's my opinion .

A piece sculpted by one of the most talented guys in the hobby and long may it continue , this is a painters piec well presented and will provide lots of fun time at the bench

For more details on this and all the other great releases in all scales why not visit the website at:

e mail: [email protected]

Thanks to MJ for the Review piece and all of you for looking in

Happy Modelling

Great review Kevin.
I must say that I admire the sculpt and painting of these figures but I don't understand them.
I was going to say that he looked like an ageing Telly Tubby but thought better of it.
All the best