WIP Charles Nungesser


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Hi guys

Finished the pilots badge ...happy ...starting on ribbons ..Legion d'honneur first .....but what's this .......looking up at the collar ....and again in the pictures ...

There's a distinct double edging as in picture below ...but not on the sculpt ........out came the putty .....there is now !


Need to let it fully dry and then repaint

Phew!! ...glad I spotted it

Back to ribbons

Hi everyone

Progressing well on the actual ribbons ....using these excellent references fom Pierre and some of mine ...can't have enough refs ?



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I will do a quick iffyvision pic later before carrying on with the rest , once ribbons done it will be the okay leaves and then the actual medals

Enjoying this painting

Happy benchtime

Taking a nice shape Kevin.
As always a nice task on the awards.
You will knock out a fine piece Mat
All the very best

Thanks Keith , good to have you looking in hope you at both well

As promised a coupke of very iffyvision pics ...5 ribbons out of 12 done ...off to go for the rest !

Pilots badge completed

The blues are lighter !


Click on to view larger

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He's getting decorated!
As I said before,cfr my pm to you from months ago, Pavol got the Belgian Order of Leopold wrong and sculpted the civilian version of our highest national order instead of the military version with crossed swords, impossible to correct on a crowded bossom like this one!

"As a rivet counter and Officer in the Order of King Leopold, I noticed that our guy is wearing the civilian version of the Order, instead of the military version which has two crossed swords between the ribbon and the medal itself, difficult to correct in this scale. Note that Nungesser was a knight in the Leopold Order, so all the metalwork on the medal has to be silver and not gold. Gold is for Officer grade and upward. The palm leaf on the ribbon is correct.

This is the correct knight version for military personnel of our highest national order."

But that's really nit-picking, I know!

Happy painting!

Hi Pierre

...I added the crossed swords under crown ..painting will show ...hopefully !!


On letter "e" should there also be crossed swords on the ribbons ...as in your ref ...can't see them on the uniform ?

Or a laurel on the "k" ?

Hi Pierre

...I added the crossed swords under crown ..painting will show ...hopefully !!


On letter "e" should there be crossed swords on the ribbons ...as in your ref ...can't see them on the uniform ?


As a matter of fact, this is where one would drop on his knees and start feverishly praying to his or hers favorite deity, which alas I don't have!
As you know, medals & orders and the wearing of them are strictly regulated which avoids you to go proudly flaunting your VC or Légion d'Honneur in your local pub.
Sometimes the details of these orders and their grades and attributes can stun into silence the most inveterate of rivet counters!

Pavol has granted us with the civilian version of this order, while adding a palm or laurel to the ribbon. That attribute is reserved for the military recipients only; the crossed swords are for veterans of the world wars or the Korea intervention.
But bear with me, you are absolutely correct, having added the crossed swords and thereby turning it into the military order and you can leave the laurel (we call it palms but anyway) in place and paint it silver, for the color of this palm must be the same as the rest of the medal, ie for a knight silver, higher grades gold.

Sorry for the lengthy and boring explanation, I hope you haven't eaten your brushes in the meantime! Anyway, historical figure painting is great fun, isn't it.


Hi Folks

Ribbons all completed , palms just basecoated ...they are next then the actual medals .....after that I will do Roletts chest decorations !

Yes there are 7 lines on the long ribbon and 5 on the other 2 red ribbons !

Couple of pics through a light magnifier

All comments are welcome

Happy benchtime

That's looking very nice Kev. Am I right in assuming this bust is OOP now?


Yes you are right OOP ......there will be WW1 from Folman miniatures coming out ...very soon ...watch out for my reviews

Thanks for comment ...it's getting there ....3 more to go ! ...it looks better in reality

Stay safe

Happy benchtime


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