Hi Dario! Thanks for kind words and your wishes!
Bev Doolittle the fine artist - I very much like its{her} pictures, especially the schedule.
I also think " distant horizon " Dave McGary is the best and invincible sculptor of a theme " national America "! I frequently examine{consider} his{its} sculpture and {it} me always forces to search for the image and to model. Also I frequently look Kirby Sattler and Paul Kalle and Howard Terpning.
T. Mails is a leading historian, as well as Grinnel are big knowledge!!!
Also I work above the project of horse figures of 75 mm - "Wisiska" and " Dog Soldiers ".-
Thanks for your responses dear colleagues.
Yours faithfully, Sergey.
hey Sergiey
Dave McGary is great sculptor of Native America, have seen his work in detail, in Scottsdale AZ, I especially like his horses! wonderful stuff, and your work has the same quality and feeling! Grinnell is a must for all who want to learn about these Shayela, but Stan Hoig is not bad either - by the way have you seen the ledger books, the most fantastic amount of historical detail drawn by the actual actor, i.e. Cheyenne, Arapaho, Dakota, Kiowa, Comanche warriors
here you can look and save many images, some of the with commentaries
Figures - great plans then, lost of room for creativity.
I did some studies on the Cheyenne tribe some time ago, and if can be of assistance to you just let me know - in the name of old Polish-Russian-warrior friendship
I really like your horses, and wish to learn more about sculpting them from your processes.
One observation though, I think you generally make the gaskin too long when compared with the lower leg - hock, cannon etc. But then it may be just the lenses and photo distortion?
anyway, send me an email and I can send you a few thing, perhaps you will find them useful
by the way great reference images, and your Lakota wolf scout art is great!!