Just pulled in last night at about 10 PM. What a great time! I was especially excited about meeting some of the great folks from here on the Planet. Jay, it was a pleasure, sorry I got dragged away, next time we'll have to talk some more. I met Wendy, Steven Malia, John Bowery, Glen Hamilton, I'm sure I've missed some, but all were a an absolute pleasure to meet and talk with! Thanks guys for the opportunity to talk figure with you all!
It was a great show with many entries, and as Jay mentioned, all the entries look so much better in person. The quality of the show was quite good. I was impressed with the high standard of Ordinance entries especially. I'm with Jay on the prices in the vendors area, but was able to pick up a couple beauties to bring home and work on, as well as some of those absolutely beautiful Thomas Art bases to put them on. Chicago is a great show and what a fantastic town it is as well. Good food, good hopitality and over all a real fun time! I have over 300 pictures to sort through, I'll see about getting them up as soon as possible!
Jay H.