A Fixture
Orginial Discussion started here:
Today, copyright is the rule.
As discussed in another thread, the topic of copyright of figure accessories, weapons, etc. (here within referred to as "parts" in this discussion) was brought up and a discussion of new ways to address the issue of scales and quality have been raised. Reusing of an incorrect or out of scale part from a single producer or the reuse of the same part by several producers or scratchbuilders has been a trend that once in circulation is easy to recognize. How many times have we seen the same square toed civil war era boots reused, or poorly shaped WWII helmet?
This raises an interesting idea and concept: offering a copyright-free, open-licsenced part that is free for scratchbuilders, sculptors and producers to use and reuse. The license requires that changes and modifications to the part still retain the open license.
Here is an example:
Artist sculpts/scratchbuilds a part and sells the part to Company X
Company X uses the part with figures and kits
Company Y and Company Z are free to recast part, reuse part, modify part, etc but whatever changes Company Y and Company Z make to the part do so with the understanding that the CopyLeft license goes with the part.
From the wikipedia article:
"an author may give every person who receives a copy of a work permission to reproduce, adapt or distribute it and require that any resulting copies or adaptations are also bound by the same licensing agreement."
Parts and pieces labeled Copyleft or have free art license would be mutually accepted by the artist and producer.
The concept is common is use of published works, art and computer software. This proposal is to think about an open model of fair use (copyleft, FAL) for reusable parts, that can be circulated without legal or ethical consequences.
Discussion and ideas are open to the floor
Today, copyright is the rule.
As discussed in another thread, the topic of copyright of figure accessories, weapons, etc. (here within referred to as "parts" in this discussion) was brought up and a discussion of new ways to address the issue of scales and quality have been raised. Reusing of an incorrect or out of scale part from a single producer or the reuse of the same part by several producers or scratchbuilders has been a trend that once in circulation is easy to recognize. How many times have we seen the same square toed civil war era boots reused, or poorly shaped WWII helmet?
This raises an interesting idea and concept: offering a copyright-free, open-licsenced part that is free for scratchbuilders, sculptors and producers to use and reuse. The license requires that changes and modifications to the part still retain the open license.
Here is an example:
Artist sculpts/scratchbuilds a part and sells the part to Company X
Company X uses the part with figures and kits
Company Y and Company Z are free to recast part, reuse part, modify part, etc but whatever changes Company Y and Company Z make to the part do so with the understanding that the CopyLeft license goes with the part.
From the wikipedia article:
"an author may give every person who receives a copy of a work permission to reproduce, adapt or distribute it and require that any resulting copies or adaptations are also bound by the same licensing agreement."
Parts and pieces labeled Copyleft or have free art license would be mutually accepted by the artist and producer.
The concept is common is use of published works, art and computer software. This proposal is to think about an open model of fair use (copyleft, FAL) for reusable parts, that can be circulated without legal or ethical consequences.
Discussion and ideas are open to the floor