Cossack Update


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Figure Mad

A Fixture
Nov 9, 2004
Hi Guys

Just a couple of images to show you haw the Cossack is comming along, please feel free to give any comments or critisims, all welcome as there is no other way of improving... he isnt finished yet but a couple of more weeks and it will be done...










Looks really good, the base too. Have you though to add some flower near to the grass and some more leaf on the top of the cannon ?
Hi Luca

Thanks for the comment, I am in the process of adding other foliage and Flowers, plus other items scattered around...

Hello Dave,


Thats a nice piece of work you got there.
Where did you have the cannon from, scratchbuild???

Keep posting.

Hi Marc

Thanks for the approval, I am realy enjoying this kit. The cannon is not scrtch built, its a kit from El Viejo Dragon... i have just built it collapsed and brocken..

I really like the figures with good and dramatic movement and that's one of them. The cannon also adds a very special tone. You are doing great so far Dave. Keep it up mate.
Dave, your'e Cossack looks fantastic. One question though. I see your'e using kit pic as an image hoster. Are you checking the Resize Images button? If so, don't check this button and set the width (in pixeles) of your photo to about 600 pixeles. It'll pretty much cover the page then, giving us some very good closeups of this great looking figure and we don't have to scan left or right to see it all.

Hope this helps,
Jim Patrick
Hi Jim

Seems we are talking in two places at once, I will go through this for you theres nothing to elaborate:-

Base coat - Humbrol 62 (matt mid leather colour) airbrushed
Shadows and lowlights - Velejo matt Black (airbrushed into the folds and creases inbetween the muscles and then a light blow over coat of the same black to knock the harshness of the leather colour back
then go over the whole thing with Velejo satin varnish

thats it, very simple but effective. I have to say though, the humbrol 62 is the only humbrol colour I ever use... I hope that helps you ...

Dave , that is a fantastic piece you're doing. I like everything about it. If you permit , I would like to make a suggestion. The highlights on the red seem a little pinkish. Not that they have anything wrong about them but being a PERSONAL choice I would start with a darker red as a base and use purer reds for the highlights. That way you make sure that reds stay red not orangy or pinkish. Again this a personal preference of mine not an error from your part

Stephen Mallia
Hi Stephen

Thanks! The red higlights are one of the problems I am trying to overcome, so I have gone back to using pure colours again as you have suggested...
