Cuirassier's horse


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Dear Rocco,

a wonderfull job with this figure (as the others).

I would like to ask if you could explain once more the painting of the reds in the cuirassier.

Keep up with the good work.


Paulo Liberato
Dear Rocco,

a wonderfull job with this figure (as the others).

From it I was encouraged to participate in a show next month (first time in 20 years on the hobby, althought not everyday or more than 1 hour when it happens).

I would like to ask if you could explain once more the painting of the reds in the cuirassier.

Keep up with the good work.


Paulo Liberato
Hello Paulo and big welcome to the Planet.

1-Undercoated with aqn acrylic opaque red.
2- Base= Cadmium red deep + Cadmium red.
3- Medium Shadows= Cadmium red deep
4- Dark shadows= Allizarin Allizarin Crimson
5- Extreme shadows =Chrome green.
6- Medium highlight= Cadmium red.
7- extreme highlights= Cadmium scarlet.
The oil colors are all Windsor and Newton.

I hope this helps.

Roc. :)
Stephan, go for it, painting horses is not as difficult as you may think, it's just a matter of using the right technique and right color mixtures.

I you have any question and if I can help in any way e-mail me.

Roc. :)
Hello Roc!

You can be sure it helps.

Based on your help I'm going to try on the vest of an English Knight.

Since this figure is a resin one (Verlinden) what would be your suggestion to the armour?

By the way is there any chance of you making a little film of working the reds, blues, whites,... , because I would like to associate image to the excellents helps you forward.


Paulo, I'm glad I could be of help.
As far as making a little film on painting, to be perfectly hnest with you,I have never given it much thaught, but it is not out of the realm of possibilities.

Armor on Resin:
1= undercoat the area with a good acrylic black.
2= Gunzy Sanyo Iron mixed with 50% stainless steel, wait about half an hour and then gently buff with a soft cloth .
3= Apply several controlled washes of Lamp black untill you get the desired effect.
4=Highlight by touching up the extremities with pure stainless steel.
5=to weather the armor, you can add touches of rust with Mars orange,especially under the arm pit areas and around the rivets.
6=when dry give the armor closest to the ground a wash of Burnt umber.

Hope this helps.

Roc. :)
Hey guys finally got around to painting the horse furniture and reins, it still needs extreme highlights and shadows.






Roc :)
Hello Roc,

thanks for the guidance.

I have no access to Gunze Sangyo, but I'll improvise and adjust to rhe material at hand.



P.S. By the way excellent job on the horse, another guide for me.