Paulo, I'm glad I could be of help.
As far as making a little film on painting, to be perfectly hnest with you,I have never given it much thaught, but it is not out of the realm of possibilities.
Armor on Resin:
1= undercoat the area with a good acrylic black.
2= Gunzy Sanyo Iron mixed with 50% stainless steel, wait about half an hour and then gently buff with a soft cloth .
3= Apply several controlled washes of Lamp black untill you get the desired effect.
4=Highlight by touching up the extremities with pure stainless steel.
5=to weather the armor, you can add touches of rust with Mars orange,especially under the arm pit areas and around the rivets.
6=when dry give the armor closest to the ground a wash of Burnt umber.
Hope this helps.