DAK by Young Miniatures


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Guys, thanks.
What Jay and Micheal both say makes sense but I can give my views. I was thinking like Jay when applying the soot on the face. Why not so much on the cap like Micheal says? If you notice the goggles are now put up against the face of the cap. That's the area I thought would be most dirty. So as it is, any dirt is now hidden. Dirtying the sides and back seemed overdoing it a little bit. That's what I thought anyway


I concur here Stephen, anyway the uniform would be dusty with some under arm sweat stains perhaps - but in scale presentation one can overdo it and spoil the effect even forcing the piece to look badly painted, the effect is just about right - little is more.:cool:
Beautiful painted bust and I like the mud mark around the eyes of the goggles.

Tony,I'm humbled.Thanks.

For those interested,here's the tunic mix.I kep it fairly simple.

Base is AV 978 dark yellow.
H/L is base + AV819 Iraqi sand
1st L/L is base + AV888 Olive grey
2nd L/L is L/L + black.

Over this a lot of washes with base were applied at various stages. i hope this helps

Hi Stephen,

On a more serious note, this is really a brilliant job.

The pics however seem to show the uniform with a satin sheen. Is it the lighting or due to the Vallejo paints? I've had this problem of sheen with certain colours and wonder if its due to insufficient mixing of the paint.

~ Basil
Basil, it's totally the fault of my crappy pics. I never get the lighting right and I end up with these hiccups
