DAK diorama near Tobruk, 1/16 Heller Pz3, Raptor Rosengrand figures and Alpine miniatures! an older Kirin figure by Ulrich Puchala, last 2 H3 models 3D figures.....
Fun to work and paint.....great Stuff
Shows the nice variation in contemporary uniforms worn. However, I dont wish to sound like a rivet counter, but cactus doesnt grow in North Africa....!
Shows the nice variation in contemporary uniforms worn. However, I dont wish to sound like a rivet counter, but cactus doesnt grow in North Africa....!
Some species have been introduced in places like Tunisia and there are some similar plants called Euphorbs that are native to the Atlas mountains of Morocco, but I think you are right about these sorts of tall cactus which are normally associated with the arid parts of the southern USA and Mexico, although it would be an easy enough fix to remove and replace it with something else.
As for the dio itself - very impressive work on both tank and figures, with lots to admire.
A packed presentation, like the figurework , nice detail painting and the tank is well weathered and sitting naturally
No idea ref cactus....I’m banned from anything plant like ...personally I wouldn’t have added them the groundwork conveys the conditions extremely well without