Look forward to seeing some paint splashed about.
So am I ...splashed is probably about the right word ...lol !! .......currently working on the lacework on the Worcestershire Yeomanry bust ....it's getting there !
Look forward to seeing some paint splashed about.
Nice to see some more paint on him, looking rather good.
Looks great Kev.Carry on Carruthers.
Nap, Great effort on the DAK Bust! Thanks for sharing your work! Wow, I like it a lot. Who stocks this gem of a bust please?
Thanks for sharing! Look forward to seeing it painted up. Should show very well!
Best of Everything, Terry Martin
Member of the Atlanta Military Figure Society of Atlanta, GA
Great work so far and a trully remarkable effort on documentation.This is exactly what historical modelling is or should be all about IMHO.
Couple of anorakky spots for you here:
Re. the photo you published of the Panzer trooper wearing the pith helmet, his helmet is a captured South African one with DAK shield added to the LHS. SA ones had a much smaller profile than the issued German one.
Also re. the Panzer Assault badge, this came in 2 different versions - silver for Panzer troops & bronze for mechanised infantry (Panzergrenadiers). Crteria for award of both was the same, taking part in 3 separate tank assaults on 3 different days.
Also, the picture of the Fallschirmjager NCO you published is excellent - with his array of decorations he would make a brilliant bust! Especially with the Luftwaffe Ground Combat Badge & Hitler Youth Sport Leader badges.
This is making excellent progress Kev.