Review Deaths Head Hussar from Elan13 Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all on the Planet ,

On my day off I thought I would do something constructive (after the ironing of course) and what is more constructive than sharing the latest release just prior to Euro 2013 .

The subject we have is a Deaths Head Hussar from a well respected company namely Elan13 run by Rob Lane .

This is of course the box Art from Alex ...WOW!!!!

Lets have a bit of background on this Regiment, there are similar units that were found in many Amies , the distinctive thing being the wearing of a black uniform with skull and cross bones motifs .
th 4.jpg

Looking at the French , we have in the Musee d'Armee a figurine in the Frank collection showing this hussar , there are also the Valmont collection in the French National Library, there are also drawings in the Dresden collection ...all have variations (ie different horse equiptment) , more readily available we have the Rigo (Plate no U3) and also the Funken books .

The unit in French Service was formed by a decree in 1792 raising 2 companys of hussars for the Republic they joined with the Equality Hussars to form the 13th Chasseurs ..this was held back finally forming the 14th Chasseurs

The use of the skull has been carried on by other units including the German Cavalryman prior to WW1 220px-AugustvonMackensen.jpg th 1.jpg and of course used by the SS in WW2...the effect of the wearing of these motifs often produced terror in those they were fighting , in use even today by the US 400th Missile Unit th 5.jpg .

There are many Napoleonic books available but one I recommend is the one from Histoire and Collections : French Hussars Book 1 From the Acien Regime to the Empire (there are 3 in the series)
Imagen 1.png

Continued in next post:

Moving onto the actual sculpt

Details of what we are looking at are :

Title: Hussard de la Mort (Deaths Head Hussar)

Scale: 1/12th


No of pieces: 5

Sculptor: Robert Lane

Box Art: Alex Varela Quiros

I was lucky enough to be able to purchase the model after Robs got some castings done prior to release , it was in a resealable plasic bag , I have not seen the container to be used but I would imagine that it is similar to the ones he normaly uses -blister packs (fold over clear ones) ...even though mine was not in the release packaging it was presented with care and Quality .

Conssting of the following pieces :

The main Torso (with head and Mirleton)
The Right Arm
The Mirleton "Flame"
The Plume
The hand and pipe.
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Prep needed consisted of absolutely nothing on the torso apart from a slight sanding of the post that has been cast on the undersides (this could of course be removed if you prefer)

The arm has a casting remnants to be removed from the shoulder (be careful not to remove the peg that has been thoughtfully cast on by Rob).

The Flame has excess to remove carefully ...easy to do with a modelling saw and sanding blocks

Both the Plume and the hand have small blocks to remove ..again easily done

I have known Rob for a while now and he is inspirational to watch working , attention and dedication to detail is amazing IMO , using fine and various materials to achieve the effect he wants..have a look at this prior to being sent for casting
Hussar prior to casting.jpg

Lets start with the main piece first the torso..when I first saw this I was amazed at the amount of detail that has been put in wondering if it could be cast succesfully ...well I need not have worried as the casting is 1st Class .

Our Hussar is posed casually with his left hand holding on to his barrel sash the other is holding his pipe , he wears a pelise over his dolman (this was shorter by 20 cm) together with the distinctive Mirleton helemt with the wrap around cloth , together with the flounders hanging down , on the front he has the skull, sculpting is as I expected very accurate wth great definition particularly on the cords .
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Leading onto the face ..this is the face of a veteran showing wonderful character , his hair perfectly set , great attention to details around the eyes , he is looking hard at me!!!! kev 215.jpg , he has a moustache ..of course ..after all he is an Hussar ...this and the hair (bound as was the trend) are finely worked.
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Next we have his clothing , his pelise is over his shoulder hanging really naturally , with a pouchbelt being worn across his chest (this is an officers a cover and studded) , the studs are well formed with really clean undercutting on the belt .

The Pelise itself has the skulls on both sleeves ...both are lovely pieces of sculpting with the right sleeve hanging lower in relation to the way the Pelise is being worn, the fur edging is also very well textured ...assisting painting I have no doubt .kev 218.jpgkev 219.jpg

Both the Pelise and the Dolman are covered in lacework and all I can say is a BIG WELL DONE ..all the blood , sweat and swearing has paid off Rob!!!..its amazing work .
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The same goes for the barrel sash as well nicely done with the cuffs having again that fine attention to details that is clear in all the work Rob does ...............I would like to raise my hat also to the caster ..a cracking job Sir .

There is a post cast on (some might prefer to not use this ...I will be as its a shame not to IMO)

The other arm now this has a plug cast into the shoulder which marries up perfectly with the hole in the shoulder kev 222.jpg ensuring spot on positioning , cuff details matches that on the torso kev 225.jpg ..finely done both sculpting and casting , the sleeve has good folds which are in the right place for the location of the arm (I have checked this by wearing my fleece in this position!!!)
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Now looking at the remaining pieces :

First the hand (he is wearing gloves) , fit into the sleeve (after removing the casting remnant) is clean and seems to bring our Hussar even more to life , fingers are formed around the pipe well formed and totally in scale .
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The Flame of the Mirleton is a thin piece of resin (due to it being in scale I hasten to add) so be careful , check your references as to the postioning .
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The Plume is agains well textured and will need very careful fixing ...definately pinning mine (bannana fingers !!!)
kev 227.jpg
Final thoughts on this release ..its been a long time as WIP for Rob but boy is it worth it ...incredible details all the way through ......casting is clean and matches the quality of the sculpting ..Top Notch stuff .

The piece has the potential for conversion (after removing the skulls) to many other Regiments that were raised both Volunterr and Regular units .

Rob will have these at his stand at Euro so why not pm him to reserve one will not be dissapointed ..after Euro ordering will be by the website :

Why not visit his website and online shop , there are other very tempting pieces as well .

Looking forward to whats coming off Robs bench in the future ..QUALITY is assured .

Finally lets have a look again at Alex's amazing box art ......
Hussar 6.jpg
Hussar 3.jpg
Hussar 5.jpg

and also some reproduction uniforms ...good way to look at the way its being worn.

Thanks for looking in

As always a great reviw Kevin, many thanks mate for posting.
A fine sculpt from Rob. It should and hope it does do well for him.
All the best to both of you,
Hi Guys ,

Thanks for the comments have a look at Elan 13 stand at Euro..pleased you enjoyed the review as well

Pete I ever sleep lifes too short to sleep much modelling to be done!!!

...................Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...


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