Slow progress. Looking at PF, I realise I am not as slow as I thought, but it still feels slow to me, there is so much I want to do, and so little time.
On Friday I went to the Guards Museum in London. Good to see some real life examples of uniforms and equipment, but salutary to realise that very few bits of equipment from the Waterloo period have survived. I saw absolutlely no evidence of chinstraps on shakos in 1815, in fact quite the reverse, so I'm happy with my original decision.
I've started on what my uniform book charmingly describes as "netherware", painting the trousers and undercoating the jackets.
Whilst they're drying (anyone found a solution to the time that oil paint takes to dry?) I've started on the window surround. Making and painting bases has become a new joy for me, it's early days but I'm happy with my bricklaying skills.
Currently glazing the windows, which is proving to be fiddly, more soon.