Display cabinet


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A Fixture
Oct 15, 2014
Hi fellow PFers

I'm considering how best to display my figures now I'm getting back into it. (Obviously boxes in the loft aren't quite so easy to show off) ;)

Anyway lots of cheap generic conti-board style things around from Fleabay/Smargos and co - any of these folks would recommend? I could make something up myself from solid wood, which would be nice, but I'm really busy at the moment so I thought something to get me going first and protect the figures I've done recently which could later migrate to the workroom . . . .

I'm thinking wall mounted, not too big (54mm with some mounted possibly in the near future) glass door front and possibly shelves. Is there a 'model display case maker' out there who has off the shelf items?

I second IKEA. The Besta range of cabinets features glass planks and doors. My display case is one glass door module in a bigger cabinet.
Billy series also has glass doors etc and would make a very affordable option.
They sell built-in lighting as well.

Cheers Mick - seen a few beauty's for sale (and I'm a bit of a sucker for 'proper' well made stuff with some history) I've not seen anything that is quite 'right' for me at the moment recently though so I was looking for something just to protect the figures I've recently done while I keep an eye on the old stuff :)
I'll take a look at the Ikea stuff Adrian and David to see what's available off the shelf. . . .​
Ultimately I've got a customer (a lovely chap who makes furniture) working about 1/2 mile away who I probably will get to make something bespoke for me​
For those interested in such stuff I sorted out a nice little display case for the newer figures (The rest are still in boxes in the loft) :(

It's an old clock case I found in a local junk shop
to which I added some perspex shelves. The shelf supports came from Homebase and cost as much as the clock case! (Ah well not as much of a bargin then)

I'm really pleased with it and reckon I can squeese in 15 single 54mm figures before I need some additional storage . . .
That's a nice bit of stuff mate.

I was lucky to be offered a cabinet from a friend who was moving home.
In addition, she wouldn't accept a penny for it.


Cheers folks

Spotted it on fleabay Mat. Turned out it was a brick-a-brack shop down in Boscombe (Bournemouth) that was selling it. Spotted a few cabinets in similar places; lovely furniture that seems to have fallen out favour.
Cheers folks

Spotted it on fleabay Mat. Turned out it was a brick-a-brack shop down in Boscombe (Bournemouth) that was selling it. Spotted a few cabinets in similar places; lovely furniture that seems to have fallen out favour.
Thanks Paul - I don't think my question was clear. I was wondering where you got your bases from. I prefer the darker hardwood bases to the current fashion for decorative grained walnut and those with knots and 'bits missing'. The ones you have would also match furniture in my place but at the shows I do get to it seems very hard to find the bases in darker woods.
Aha I understand Mat. (Can't see a 'lightbulb' face so please insert one here)

I buy the standard ones that Historex sell - a few different sizes and they're all finished to a similar standard. I agree with you about the current 'bits missing' style of base being a bit of a traditionalist at heart: They can look good, but I've only seen a couple of figures that are enhanced by displaying on them.
My personal opinion is they're a bit 'shouty' and I believe the base (however beautiful) should support and compliment the figure which it is displaying not the other way 'round. No offense to all those lovely base makers out there ;)

Here's the link for the ones in the case-