Dolman miniatures, Medieval Billman


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Viking Bob

PlanetFigure Supporter
Jan 2, 2015
Just finished this bust from Dolman Miniatures, again, outside my period of interest. Painted in acrylics and oils. Also a new set of paint washes from Darkstar Molton metals, Murky mire. A very fine wash that dries Matt.
The main areas are acrylics, the gambeson took time as I painted each stitch (really boring & time consuming).
The gauntlet was painted with dark star Molton metals, tarnished steel. An acrylic paint. I let this dry for 24 hrs, I then use lamp black oil paint over the gauntlet, then rub it off with an ear bud till most of the oils are gone. You will find that it stains the acrylic paint, when the oil has dried lightly dry brush the area with tarnished steel. I will use oil paint for leather effects but mainly use acrylic.

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Painting looks good. Metals have come up nicely and the effort on the gambeson really pays off.
I am not sure the sawn off halberd really works, but that is an issue with the bust design not your painting. I have never seen a bust where a "bit" of a weapon looks good. Either pose it so the weapon is complete, or leave it out.
Very nice Bob, love the metals.(y)

Painting looks good. Metals have come up nicely and the effort on the gambeson really pays off.
I am not sure the sawn off halberd really works, but that is an issue with the bust design not your painting. I have never seen a bust where a "bit" of a weapon looks good. Either pose it so the weapon is complete, or leave it out.

Beautiful paintwork


Thank you all for looking in and leaving a great comment.
I would have extended the halberd but I have had issues drilling out through the hand before and cocked up a good figure, so I left it. I have also used a small extension under the bust which lifts it up. I'm not a fan of the large pyramid plinths.
I would have extended the halberd but I have had issues drilling out through the hand before and cocked up a good figure, so I left it.

Better option, you don't want to be spoiling figures done as nicely as this one.

It is a design thing with the weapon held so far away from the body. There are busts where the shaft or staff is cut off like this but because it is held tight to the figure's side or down the front of the torso it kind of works despite being "sawn off".
Still, there are loads of busts that are done like this so it obviously isn't a problem for most people.

How best to display busts is an issue worth a discussion.
Beautiful finish Bob, as Rob said the time taken on the gambeson has paid dividends. All round this is a great piece with so many different materials and finishes, it really is a great bust.

Cheers Simon
Bob, you are out-doing yourself again. The metal works looks real and the face, the helmet, clothing, ax handle, all of it, great job, Bob!.
Beautiful finish Bob, as Rob said the time taken on the gambeson has paid dividends. All round this is a great piece with so many different materials and finishes, it really is a great bust.

Cheers Simon

Very nice work Bob.


Bob, you are out-doing yourself again. The metal works looks real and the face, the helmet, clothing, ax handle, all of it, great job, Bob!.

Thanks guys, lovely comments, really appreciated.
The metals look a bit more rusty in the photos but that was down to the lighting. I will have to take some more.
That is a really fine job. I echo the comments on the ironwork and gambeson, first class.
I feel the photos could be a tad lighter to enable me to see the effects more clearly though.
Congrats Mel
Bob, I'm going back over these pics, Buddy, this is some incredible work, yur good!

That is a really fine job. I echo the comments on the ironwork and gambeson, first class.
I feel the photos could be a tad lighter to enable me to see the effects more clearly though.
Congrats Mel

Thank Steve and Mel, I am going to re do the photos tomorrow.
Thank you for the great comments
That's a fine piece of work Bob. (y)

Bob, the highlight is that helmet - it's superb. Leave it alone! I know it's all opinions, and it's you that has to be happy with it.

Very well done again.

Joe and Anthony, many thanks for the honest comments and I have added some photos that have been lightened

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I do like this! Excellent.
As others have touched on the metals look great.
Lovely shades of green achieved there too.