Review Don Quixote from Nuts Planet


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi there one and all ,

We all love a character subject and putting that with a story of "knight" of old and tales bold or where our subject is concerned slightly exaggerated tales of bold!!!!

This is the subject of the latest bust from Nuts Planet



Deep in Spanish literature is the book about the man from La Mancha written on Jan 16th 1605 by the author Miguel de Cervantes over 2 books covering 1000 pages

The story of Don Quixote or Alonso Quijano, a thin, less-than-affluent man of 50 , he lives modestly in a village in La Mancha with his niece and housemaid.
Obsessed with books of chivalry he sells off his farmland to buy more books finally "from little sleep and too much reading", his brain "dries up" and he goes crazy!!!
.He decides to "turn knight-errant and travel through the world with horse and armour in search of adventures" with the purpose of "redressing all manner of wrongs".

Outfitting himself in rusty armour and a helmet, (some say it was a barbers bowl) he mounts his old nag and sets out in search of adventures, dubbing himself "Don Quixote de La Mancha" and his horse - "Rosinante".
Finally, as his emergence to knight-errant, he chooses a local farm girl, whom he renames Dulcinea del Toboso, as the fair lady to whose service he is sworn. The landlord of an inn, believing Quijano to be the lord of a castle, consents to knight him .
Three days into his adventure, Don Quixote is badly beaten by the servant of a group of travelling merchants who refuse to acknowledge Dulcinea's great beauty. A neighbour rescues the adventurer and carries him home on the back of a donkey. While he is recovering from his injuries, Quixote's housekeeper, priest, and barber burn his beloved book collection in a failed attempt to stop his quest.
More determined than ever, Don Quixote persuades Sancho Panza, a plump local labourer, to be his squire. He is certain that a knight of his stature will take many war spoils and promises Sancho Panza his own island to govern at the end of the expedition.
Don Quixote, astride Rocinante, and Sancho Panza, riding Dapple, his donkey, set off on the next expedition in secret in the dark of the knight.
The pair's adventures include a battle with windmills Quixote mistakes for giants, an unexpected visit to Quixote's bed by a maid in an inn Quixote mistakes for a castle, being evicted from the inn when Quixote refuses to pay.
Along the way, Sancho christens Don Quixote "the Knight of the Sad Countenance".
Despite the apparent madness he is a mild-mannered, empathetic man, genuine in his commitment to chivalric ideals. Sancho Panza, despite having his own agenda, comes to believe in and show loyalty to his master.
The knight returns home humiliated and locked in a cage on an ox-cart, prisoner of his village priest and barber who are determined to end his quest for his own safety
Thus ends Book 1
In the 2nd book we have the priest and barber replaced by a university graduate called Carrasco' who vows to look after the man from La Mancha
Determined to pay his respects to Dulcinea, both him and his servant set off but when they encounter three peasant girls, Sancho tries with some deception to pass off one of them as Dulcinea. Don Quixote, always certain that enchanters are working their mischief against him, is convinced that evil enchanters have made Dulcinea look like an ugly peasant girl.
Don Quixote unexpectedly wins a battle with The Knight of the Mirrors, who turns out to be none other than Carrasco in disguise whose plan to get the Don back home to safety by beating him in a duel (while disguised as a rival knight-errant) fails when Don Quixote wins the battle.

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza then meet The Knight in the Green Topcoat and play parts in the pastoral tale, "Camacho's Wedding." The adventure of Don Quixote's descent into the Cave of Montesinos follows, after which, in a trance, the Don describes the marvellous things he experienced in the Cave. Later, Sancho and Don Quixote attend Master Peter's puppet show. Our knight-errant gets carried away by the spectacle of the puppet Moorish knights doing battle with puppet Christians and attacks them with his sword.
Later, Don Quixote accepts an invitation to the unnamed Duke and Duchess's palace. The Duke and Duchess poke fun at Don Quixote by organising a series of burlesque pageants and arranging for Sancho to govern the Island of Barataria. Although the squire's talent for leadership surprises everyone, he renounces the life of a feudal governor and the elaborate prank played by the Duke and Duchess in a courageous act of loyalty to Don Quixote.
In Barcelona, The Knight of the White Moon challenges Don Quixote to a battle in the presence of a distinguished company. Don Quixote is quickly defeated by the Knight, who turns out to be none other than Samson Carrasco. As a condition of his defeat, Don Quixote is forced to abandon knight-errantry for the rest of his life
When they arrive in the village, the now quite ill Don Quixote is put to bed. After sleeping a long while, he wakes and declares his name to be Alonso Quijano once more. Appearing to have regained his reason, he denounces chivalry and knighthood and dies among friends
The books have been translated into many languages and gives us much enjoyment as a film , a opera and even a ballet, but all telling the story of the often confused but lovable rogue knight of La Mancha.
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Continued in next post
Onwards to the resin

Title Don Quixote

Reference: NP-B024

Scale; 1/9th

Material: Gray Resin

No of Parts: 8

Sculptor: Romain Van den Bogaert

Box Art Myeong-Ha Hwang

The release was announced here on PF (and in social media)

As in the release announcement a collaboration between Nuts and a new sculptor ( to them at least) but a renowned one to all the sculpting world namely Romain Van den Bogaert , certainly good to see this team working together.

As with previous releases , presentation is the blue box , cardboard, strong with top quality box art very well shown on the top and a side of the box itself . On opening up the box parts are held between thick foam layers , with a small part in a clear bag.

Don Q Nuts 001.jpgDon Q Nuts 002.jpg

Parts consist of the Main Torso , the head , helmet , 2 lance parts, 2 moustache ends and a pedestal base.

Don Q Nuts 003.jpg


Main Torso ..casting plug from under the arm
Head...Casting plug from the top , slight line at the back
Helmet.. Casting plug from underneath
Lance...Plugs from the lower edges, slight flashing at the "pointed" end and then fitted together
Moustache ends..Remove from former and fit to face

As with all of Nuts releases , prep is minimal , quick and easy to do , I would suggest pinning the lance together.

Looking at the parts now

Main Torso ...our hero is in his finest armour ...well at least that what he thinks it is !!!! , the armour is battered and knocked about , with cuts all over , this is the perfect blank canvas to go wild on painting effects and rust ( many products available on the market) .
Sculpting is really nicely done , undercuts are very sharp everywhere , nice rivet details , not a armour style I know very apt for the character ...suitably impressive looking ...well according to the Don's thoughts!!
Don Q Nuts 005.jpg
Don Q Nuts 009.jpg
Don Q Nuts 012.jpg
Don Q Nuts 006.jpgDon Q Nuts 007.jpgDon Q Nuts 008.jpgDon Q Nuts 010.jpgDon Q Nuts 011.jpg

The neck area is smooth with the collar of his shirt folded over , held together by ties at the front with it also being stitched on the side ..nice touches , note on the right side there is the ends of his cap so make sure this isn't sanded off !!
Don Q Nuts 013.jpg
The underneath is textured with the sculptors details on it , I like the way the edging has been done , looks nice and tidy.
Don Q Nuts 004.jpg

The Head this is where the sculpting really shows , , DQ to a tee , based on many illustrations of course , he has an almost comic like appearance , wrinkled facial lines . skinny in the face , eye brows raised , mis shapen nose ( great work on the nostrils) , puckered lips , and wide open and glaring eyes , and of course the wispy beard, high bony cheekbones , ears are also really good, all in all an excellent piece of sculpting.

The eyes are extremely well sculpted with "laughter" lines at the edges all well cast showing off the details .

On the head we have a soft cap blowing around , nice texture of the cloth with the edginh having the stitching running around it

Don Q Nuts 014.jpgDon Q Nuts 015.jpgDon Q Nuts 016.jpgDon Q Nuts 020.jpgDon Q Nuts 021.jpg
Don Q Nuts 019.jpgDon Q Nuts 018.jpgDon Q Nuts 017.jpg

The Helmet ........ this is without doubt a Spanish barbers bowl , I am sure DQ thinks it is the highest quality in helmet design .....not quite my the shape is correct and has the semi cut out as seen in examples , this is the only part which has fact with it , the remaining pieces are fiction !!!

The surface is as the armour knocked about as expected , fitting well alongside the armour.

Fit to the head is simple sitting nicely on the top at a jaunty angle, adding a really nice touch to the piece , if you didn't want to use this ( sure you would) then you could just rework the cap he wears.
Don Q Nuts 022.jpgDon Q Nuts 023.jpg

The Lance and the Moustache ends , the lance comes in 2 parts so I would definately pin them together , again the lance is knocked about a bit , whats a nice idea is the bent around end in a "Z" ...adds another comical touch to the finish , the lance leans against the torso , the lower edge is angled to match the torso.
Don Q Nuts 024.jpg
The moustache ends , nicely worked a bit fiddly to fit but looks good when in place

Don Q Nuts 025.jpg

The seen in the main picture this is a pedestal type , fitting snugly to the cutout under the torso , or of course you could replace it with a brass rod.

Final Thoughts

Its good to see Romain sculpting with Nuts Planet , they have chosen a quirky , loony character , I like the way the sculpting has been done , its very much his style , the painting will give a good opportunity to have a lot of fun at the bench with the effects. As always its well presented and cast .

For lots of happy bench time this is for you

For more details on this and other releases from Nuts have a look at their website

or follow on FB and here on PF

Thanks to Nuts for the Review model and for you all for looking in
Hi Nap, what a review, I take it you must love the story, as you have given an insight into the main characters. No doubt you will put your own stamp on this bust. Nice one Nap, look forward to this one painted by you.
Thanks Bob

Glad you liked the story for painting it's in the GA so who many others!

Wheels ,

See where you are coming from but painting could easily make him more weary and sad ..lots of shadows etc

Wayne ,

Agree certainly packed full of character

Thanks everyone for looking I
