Review Doppelsoldner from Altores Studio


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hello to you all

In todays hobby we mostly see resin being used in casting but sometimes white metal is produced aimed at a company's target market place , this is the case from the latest from Altores Studio , after speaking to them its our Russian modelling friends that like metal castings.

UPDATE @ 07/06/17

The main reason for the metal casting was that the original resin mould broke after some were actually cast in resin so companys that ordered while this mould was okay would have been sent resin for example El Greco Miniatures in UK .

A new resin mould is planned in the very near future and I will review and compare both this and the resin

The release:


The release was initially announced here (no artwork)


Its hard to believe that Altores have only been releasing just over a 15 months and have made a real impact from the very first release , covering all subjects and scales .

The subject matter is a popular one and follows on in theme to the bust that I reviewed here

Landsknechts were exempt from the ‘sumptuary laws’ that dictated the colours and style of clothing each social class could wear. Maximilian granted his soldiers this privilege because, in his words, their lives were “so short and brutish.”

As a result, landsknechts dressed in the most garish costumes they could devise. Slashed doublets, striped hose, tight or voluminous breeches and outrageous codpieces were all worn in a deliberate attempt to flaunt their status, intimidate their enemies and shock civilians.

The landsknechts’ standard battlefield tactic was to form a huge square of pikemen (up to 4,000 strong) surrounded by a double rank of halberdiers, swordsmen and arquebusiers.

This formation was known as an igel (hedgehog) and it presented an enemy with both an unstoppable force and an immovable object. When on the offence, the igel trampled everything in its path; in defence, the pikes presented an impenetrable hedge to protect the handgunners.


In addition to pike squares, landsknechts employed a tactic called the verlorene haufe or “forlorn hope” whereby a thin line of double-handed swordsmen and halberdiers would charge an opposing igel darting in between the enemy’s pikes in an attempt to break up their ranks.

Forlorn hopes were made up of volunteers hoping for glory or condemned men seeking redemption. Since these mad-dashes were almost always fatal for those taking part, attackers fought beneath a blood red banner.


As you can see a very colourful style!!!

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References are available here are a few for you


Continued in next post

Title: Doppelsoldner

Reference: F-75-035

Scale: 75mm ( 1/24th scale )

Material: White Metal

No of parts: 8

Sculptor : Ruslan Vorobiov

Box Art: Alexander Kursov

Again with Altores we have the white box , with the parts in bags and sandwiched between foam layers , the first thing I noticed is the weight as its w/m as I am more use to resin but no concern .

Altores 001.jpg
On the box we have a colour picture of the piece beautifully painted by Alexander . Parts consist of the full figure , 2 arms , the weapons , ( 2 swords , the smaller being a "katzbalager" , the main weapon being a "zweihander" ) a hat and a base.

Altores 002.jpg


After washing the metal ( as we do with resin to remove any casting residue) I looked long and hard at the pieces with my optivisor ....and was pleasantly surprised finding only the following to deal with :

Main Figure...fine casting lines on inside and out of the legs and on torso front and rear ...a quick sanding is all that's needed there .
... 2 casting plugs to cut and sand away from shoes

Arms...casting flashing on hands and then remove excess metal on top of right and sand away metal at fitment area .fit to torso , a thin swipe of filler is needed.

Cap...slight sanding on underside and fit if you wish to use it .

Weapons....Remove smaller sword and handle ( for larger sword ) from formers , slight flashing on small one on the "S" part and fit in place . With the main sword remove excess from top , confirm straightness and fit in place.

Base....Remove small excess pieces from edge and use as required

Overall comments on Prep

...very little to be honest which is good to see

Obviously use the correct adhesive when building ( I would suggest 2 part epoxy )

General comments on casting

Altores continue to cast very well , all the pieces show good detail work and definition

There are well thought out locating male and female parts that fit well

Onto the metalwork...

Main figure

This is a good pose with him walking , his right foot forward , body turned , the right arm at his side the left bent holding the sword
Altores 010.jpg

The head is bareheaded with the texture of the hair in place , he is bearded and the texture continues on this .
Altores 012.jpg
Features are good but not as sharp as with resin , the right ear is well shown the left is there but a little less so , the neck and shoulder muscles are nicely done with good clarity.

He is wearing the typical under shirt well ruffled , nicely done at edges , the upper torso is a mass of slashed clothing , peeking out from the openings on the chest , with a small tie holding the clothing in place , there is well sculpted folds from under the lower edge .

Altores 003.jpgAltores 004.jpgAltores 005.jpgAltores 006.jpgAltores 007.jpg Altores 009.jpg
Altores 008.jpg

Of course we have a rather "full" codpiece , again slashing is in place and this is a good one that looks as we see
in references

Altores 011.jpg

Hanging at his lower waist is the sword belt , well worked with a good hole ready to take the post on the small sword m all around his upper thighs we have more flamboyance , slashed clothing , this continues in different directions on each leg , the right being vertical the left horizontal.

The work on the effect of the clothing is very good indeed and Ruslan should be congratulated .

At the knees the hose fish in s flurry of ribbons running round the knee , he has long lower stockings , these emphasise his calf muscles very well , these lead down to the distinctive shoes , one is slashed , the other not so , the style of the shoe is good , a simple slip on item of footwear , sometimes straps were present but not so here.


These are as expected again very full in material , both are slashed , and again both different , the right horizontal , the left vertical as in the legs , the work on the different level of materials is good , the over material sits well into the underneath , leading down to the wrist which is pulled in with a small ruffle of material popping out , hands are good the right slightly clenched , finger work is good , the right hand is positioned ready to take the sword top and handle , the fingers gripping the handle well when in position.

Fit to the shoulders of the main figure presents no real issues , apart from a small amount of filler .

Altores 016.jpgAltores 015.jpgAltores 014.jpgAltores 013.jpg

This is cast separate so you could leave this off , perhaps use it within the base . , a floppy style , often of wool or leather or material this one has a simple makeup with the brim being held together underneath but a brooch , this is done with a small surface design on it.

Of course we have feathers in place , only one in this case but showing very nice movement on the surface work and sitting well to the brim itself

If you choose to use this fit is nice onto the head itself a jaunty angle of course!!!

Altores 019.jpgAltores 020.jpg


The small sword is a good shape , typical handle style and "S" shaped guard , the scabbard is bound at the top , fitting to the torso is by a small plug of metal on the rear .

The main sword even feels sharp and being metal you could define the edges more , and also use the actual metal with washes when painting , the guard is more styled in shape , nicely cast , fit is to the upper hand part and the blade sits well onto his left shoulder.

The sword handle itself again is shaped and easy to fit onto the lower part of the hand....I can only imagine the power behind the weapon when in use .

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A simple oval type shape with surface work sculpted , 2 holes are ready to take the fee pins ...use the base like this or incorporate it into a larger area of basework

Altores 022.jpg Altores 021.jpg

Final Thoughts

For me I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of detail involved in the release , I believe this is only being cast in meta as well , its a good scale and what you get is a very well executed figure , a good subject and a very colourful one as well . Not our usual material but a nice option , I like the pose ideal for a companion figure as well ..perhaps a female sutler?

Another very nice addition in which Altores have shown that they can produce quality in other mediums .


For details on this and more from them :

E-mail: [email protected]


They are also a member of FaceBook and the forum here on PF

Thanks to for the review piece

And of course a big thank you to all for looking in

I like this colorful Landsknechts and it's good to see one of these fantastic guys in your great review
How does Oda always say?Altores is rising