Douglas Bader Arrives


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Hello Garyhiggins

You are a bad men... LOL... LOL... LOL... I love the ideaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Its fantastic... We will talk later....

Thank you Sir...
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hi Hugo.
If your considering flight crews, Sargent Norman Jackson VC,flight engineer on Lancasters. His story you could not make up.
He was on a bombing raid over Germany when his aircraft was attacked by a night fighter. A fuel tank caught fire. Sargent Jackson put on a parachute and crawled along the wing with a fire extinguisher. Holding the wings leading edge with one hand with the aircraft flying at something like 140 mph he attempted to extinguish the fire. The night fighter returned to attack the Lancaster again and he was dislodged from the wing. He fell from something like 20,000 feet & although his parachute was holed & scorched he survived the landing.
Sargent Jacksons hands & face were burned in his attempt to extinguish the fire.

I hope these few sketchy details are enough to do justice to this mans incredible bravery. I cannot imagine such bravery.
Hello Peter...

This is a history... This is the things that catch my attention... We are developing some US and German ACES... But you can count with me for this one... I will thing in a way to represent the history... But Peter I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT´

VC Arthur Louis Aaron.jpg

Thank you my friend.... Im cruise with this... Ive to read it a little more about it...
Completely agree Gary, I think there will always be room for both, and 3D being new will probably go through a boom as it gets better but then it also depends on what the buyer wants that will decide in the end. They both have their place and we're lucky to have a choice, I'm looking forward to see what the next generation of figure sculpting creates for modelers.

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Hi Guys ,

Good comments about the pose , my thought is that the thumbs up is ideal for the bust in a cockpit with another version for the figs themselves , maybe as in pictures Richie posted.


Just had a thought ...the thumbs up does portray the British spirit at the time of conflict ..Bader has just come out of his cockpit to be met by the Squadron photographer ....

Great PR photo

Hello Chris

Thank you for your comment... The 3D is just a tool, nothinh else... There are space for everyone... And for all kind of sculptures...

With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Hello my GOOD FRIEND Kevin...

We try to put the Bader in a relax mission, after he returned from a mission... Sometimes we are very rude, and little friend and people call us non sympathic person... But we always have time to take out of the shield, and say a joke to broken the ice... Its very difficulto put a pilot in a relaxing pose... The pilots have many action in the sky, but when they are in the ground... Its another history... And a pilot dont have gear, weapons, its dificult to put a pilot in a relax pose, with harmony... But in my opinion, we catch the moment...

Big ugg and take care.

Ive to start to find my spitfire in 1/24 for put my Douglas Bader... LOL... LOL... Its better you try to find your too... Or you have the chance dont have it... LOL... LOL... LOL...

Big ugg