Dutch Lancer 10th regiment Belgian Dutch war 1830


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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
The regiment played an important role during the Belgian-Dutch war in 1830. In those days it was kind of "flashy"to have a lancer regiment. Whether they were useful or not.
The regiment was also called the Green lancers ( groene lanciers) because of the uniform.
The figure is mainly the Polish lancer. The legs are from the British Hussar ( I think), It took a lot of pre-fitting and sanding before the figure had the correct position
The horse conversion is done by an article from Sid Horton in the old Airfix magazines of the seventies.
For more details take a look at my blog:

Parts used are from the Airfix Collector series 1/32
Thank you Ken and Mobo, I love to work with the Airfix kits. Soft plastic, easy to glue and to work with. It’s amazing how wellthought Airfix created the figures so you can make a lot of different figures. I still have the articles from Sid Horton( charge of the light brigade) in the old Airfix Magazines.
BTW: is there anyone who can post these articles in PDF. I’m still missing some
Hi Paul

Great to see you posting

Lovely conversion and result

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Good to see your benchtime

Look forward to the next from you

Happy benchtime


PS Try messaging Mirosoft he might be able to help with the PDF , you could also put a thread in the General Figure Forum as well