Hi all!
A lot of time's passed since I posted here my Dwarves Tombraiders(timidly hope
You can recall'em).Now the 4th memb of their gang is in this topic.
Sorry,but I lost my first thread about them here.Size is
about 9.5 cm high(mini itself,not with the base) I suppose,its about 1/16 scale-
compare high human/dwarf
Greetings Michael! A new, fourth figure fine updating to family of your gnomes!!! I hold the previous figures in hands and I want to tell - quality of a sculpture and moulding excellent!
Here there are previous three (3) figures of this family http://www.modelsculpt.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=158
I don't remember the others, but I wish like heck these were going to be commercial pieces, dwarves are a fave fantasy subject, and the sculpting on this can't be beat.
thank you for reminding me that i have to do add dwarves to list of figures to do all four groups in plastic from warhammer. ps will this become commerially availability if yes when and from whom?