Completed Two British 1/16 figures


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Cheers, I’m reasonably happy with where I am with the shape, I’m hoping their baggy clothes will cover a multitude of sins.

Green stuff webbing today, I’m pretty happy with the pouches but not keen on the straps, I might re-do them.


I’ve also worked in the base, a simple wall with some rubble.

Hi Stefan

Agree ref pouches they look good possibly relook at the straps if you feel the need

The base works well , simple but effective

Thanks for the updates

Looking forward to seeing more

Thanks, I think I'm going to try cutting the green stuff and leaving it for an hour or two before fitting it, Hopefully that way it'll keep its shape a little better.

Did you roll the putty out and cut the straps, or apply and shape as you go? Even at this scale I'd probably still.use wine bottle foil for the webbing straps.

Cheers Simon
I rolled it out and cut to shape. I re-did it and left it to dry for an hour before attaching it which worked much better.

I like the wine foil idea but I don’t think it would give the thickness I’m after, I’m hoping this will give me some structure for the jacket to fit around.

Hi Stefan

Nice rework on the straps , interesting to see how the figures built up to this stage

Thanks for update

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

He's looking really good now, I like the approach with the jacket and webbing, you'll be able to make it look like it's under the webbing and held in place.

Cheers Simon
Hi Stefan

Good move ref the putty pushing and the work on the bases is really progressing well

Both figures are going to look good all painted

Look forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

Looking the business there, certainly looks like you have sorted the anatomy around the shoulders etc very well. Always good to leave them for a short period and look at them fresh again.

Cheers Simon
I’m nearly there with the sculpting, honestly they have turned out better than I’ve got any right to hope they would.

I’m going to add some webbing bits to the standing guy, water bottle and goggles most likely. Sitting chap needs some buttons which I’ll probably punch from aluminium.

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Brilliant, they have come out very well indeed, the anatomy is really good and the cloth folds look very great, the difference between the heavy battle dress and the Yeomanry shirt.

Cheers Simon
Hi Stefan

Well done , with the planned equipment, he’s going to look great

The Yeomanry will be nice with just the shirt ....nice work

Looking forward to seeing more

Have fun at the bench

These have turned out really well, great effort. One minor thing that jumped out at me is that the left arm of the guy holding his helmet looks a little odd. It looks a bit like a curved pipe rather than a bent arm - there shouldn't be a curve on the inner surfaces, the fabric would meet at a sharp angle. But I don't think it will be obvious when he is painted, just something to bear in mind for future projects.
Thanks Nigel, good point. I was going off an image of a friend wearing a BD jacket and it has bunched weirdly in that place rather than at a sharp corner, probably due to the fit and thickness of the cloth, but you're right, it's too exaggerated on the figure and, looking back at the picture, it's more squished out to the sides than I've managed. I might try to sand it down a bit in the crook of the elbow, I might even resculpt it a touch. That arm was a bit of a pain, a solid hour of pushing putty back and forward and being unhappy with it so maybe taking that bit out and re-doing it is the best way forward.

Thanks again, fresh eyes are always handy.