eBay madness hits the figure hobby!


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You have got to be kidding me. I don't recognize any of the bidders, much less the seller. Just goes to show you what happens when we get carried away on eBay.

WOW, spring madness I guess.. I do not have the link but a couple of days ago
I saw a sale close on a Series 77, 90mm Sgt. of the U.S. Cavalry 1865. Now I
know some might consider this a classic, with a guy holding his horses halter,
but the winning bid was $327.00

again nothing wrong with it, and bless the buyer.

I noticed this bust too and at one point and I thought about bidding on it it was much lower then. I wouldn't have even come close to that bid. Besides DA Boss and you guys all know who she is would have hung me out to dry. :) Brock
Guys start looking through that spares box!!! I have a pair of 120mm Verlinden left hands that are going for a steal at $229.50 so be quick.......
That's crazy! :lol: I've often noticed that lots of the Jaguar stuff is still available, and can be found for less. Some people just get carried away and have to win I guess. The most I ever spent for a figure was $100, and I believe worth it. But that much for that?! Well, it is a nice bust, but worth that much?
If you really want it, regardless of the value, you will get it.

I just sold a Spanish Civil War Helmet on Ebay to a guy from Italy for over $300. Granted it was in good shape, but his bids would have beaten anyone who bid. I guess they're hard to find and maybe he had a reason for wanting it.

I doubt that someone paying $327 for a figure lives paycheck to paycheck so all the power to him. WHo knows? Maybe a collector told him "If you can get that Series 77 figure and paint it up for me I'll give $2000!" Wouldn't that be a hoot, we all think he's nuts and he gets the last laugh! :lol:
here in the good old u.k. we pay $226 a year just to turn the tv on.$ 7 1/2 for a gallon of fuel. nearly $9 for a packet of fags ( in england this means smokes. i'm told it's a little more expensive for the other kind).so $200+ to enjoy your self sounds cheep. good luck to him.dave
A word of caution, amigos! Don't generalize too much from this one sale. I am a sometime seller on Ebay, and IMHO it is more typically a buyers market. Most bidders are pretty savvy, and come looking for deals. While you will get the occasional bidder who will pay anything, or a bidding war between crazies, these are exceptions to the general rule. I see that a lot of stuff goes without bids because it is priced too high. I"m not saying you can't do well selling on Ebay, but don't expect this kind of thing to happen too often.