That sucks! But white metal figures here in Australia are very pricey. When I worked at The Military Workshop, our mark up was not that very high due to postage costs.
Too expensive, that's no excuse, try a different hobby or learn to sculpt.
A while ago I had a very heated screaming session with a figure modeller about recasts at a meeting I used to go to , unfortunately his attitude was and I quote "I don't give a F***."
But the worst thing about it was that there was more than one who deals in recasts and most of the other members did not seem to care or had the attitude "you can't stop it, so why bother".
Now I will admit I have recast one 120mm figure (long long out of production) for a friend of mine. There were multiple copies (10 in total), but there was no money exchanged for the job and he has not received any payment either. The mold has since been destroyed. It took my mate about 2 years to talk me into doing it. One of the reasons I eventually said yes was to test myself on my casting ability.
I was expecting the mold to fail, but as it turned out it worked very well and I was able to cast the figure as one piece. Minus the head and hands.
Any way, I hope that the manufactures of the originals kits are hassling eBay to stop people from recasting their kits.
I know every time I come across a modeller that has used recasts, I get stuck into them.
Keith, maybe you should name the people buying the recasts.
Cheers Jason