Completed ECW Cavalry charge


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Jul 22, 2017
A while ago I acquired this set of figures:


These are great figures, the foot figures are particularly well animated. Even so I could not find the enthusiam to build them, they cameo out of the box, were looked and, but went back into the box. i think this was due to the mounted figure who, although well sculpted, does not have the same dynamic pose as the foot figures.

So these figures stayed in their box.

Then, I came across this blog one this site ...


... not 54mm scale but an idea was born; what about using the foot figures with a 54mm cavalry charge to depict an English Civil War scene?

Up to the stash in the loft where I have some 54mm Airfix collector's Series ECW figures and a couple of evenings planning and I settles on the project. The horses would be Historex, foot figures would be those above (possible plus an Airfix foot figure, cavalry figures would be scratch built, or converted Airfix.

A visit to the Historex agents website for a few head, Historex horses and a rummage through the stash and bits box and I have everything I need:




After a wait if a few weeks while i finished off some other models i jave been able to make a start - with the horse. So this week i started with the central, falling horse. A quick search of the WWW and i found the perfect reference photo:


the selected Historex parts were:

the horse laying down donated its rear legs, other halves donated their forelegs.

a lot of surgery is needed

Here is one horse cut into sections:


I use paperclip wire and putty to strengthen the joins:


Here is the (very) roughly built horse - lots more refinement needed but the basis pose is there:


Historex horses are brilliant. Very well detailed and made of a softish form of hard plastic which is very easy to cut and carve - perfdct for converting. This softish plastic is, however also a weakness - I have had some where the legs have snapped so I now always carve a channel in at least one of the legs which touch the ground:


Into this i insert some paperclip wire:


Which i then cover with putty, including a lump in the body to hold the wire firmly in position:


i know that I said the Historex horses are well detailed, it is true, but there is one area where the detailing is poor - the hair around the fetlock and hooves, prettywell non-existant;


Using a wood burning tool I detailed the hair:


now i only need to do all of this for five horse - then all their equipment!

This confused me at first because I have this set and I thought you were mixing your winged hussars up with ECW! Then I read what you are planning to and I'm really excited. This will be really interesting.

I agree btw that the animation of the mounted figure is the weak point of the set. I plan on tweaking mine, but nowhere near the extent of what you are doing!
Hi guys

the horses are virtually finished - just tails and manes toadd as well as a little bit of refining some details:

The reason why two of the horses are 'rubber-banded' together is that the intention is to have all four hooves of the horse on the left off the ground - being supported by its rider being also fixed to the horse on the right.

As well as the horses, I have been working on the saddles. These are made to be removable to aid painting, and the level of detail varies because most will be covered by the riders' buff coats but a couple will be more visible.

Wow, this is going to be pretty epic, heck of a lot of livestock but the horse with all hooves off he ground is going to be really spectacular. Really good job reworking the horses and the saddlery looks great.

Cheers Simon
This is a real blast from the past Peter, from the days when there was not such a choice of poses etc. Anything a bit different had to be scratched.

Really well executed and a project I will be following with great interest.


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