Elite 70mm Mongol


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
I have had my camera on the road (wife took it to Europe) so I haven't been able to post any pics. This is an Elite 70mm Mongol that I bought off ebay and decided to do him in earth tones that would blend with the terrain he may be in. I hope the focal point when it is finished will be the blue silk waist sash. I haven't done the eyes, mustache, and boots as yet and the arrow quiver and the bow case and sword are still in the envelope. So there is alot to do with just the figure. The groundwork is in the begginning stages too. Grass and debris will be added. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

Guy, I like the extensive groundwork you have done. A pony tethered to the tree stump would look neat.
Thanks Gary, I totally agree with the pony tethered to the stump. I have a 75mm Hinchcliffe pony with the head down, that to me, seemed a tad bit too large. I will place it on the base later and post a pic. I also have a 60mm mongol horse that, in reverse, seemed to small. 70mm horses are not too common are they?
Gary, Here is your idea of a horse added to the scene. The horse is a 75mm Hinchcliffe (Ray Lamb) and the Mongol is 70mm. I even took into consideration that the Mongol is elevated somewhat higher which helps account for any difference. Also is the fact that the Mongol horse is small, compared to the western horses. Here are 2 pics..........what do you guys think?

Guy, nice stuff and fantastic groundwork !! But I do think the horse is a tad too big compared.Just my penny's worth.

Stephen Mallia
Looks great buddy, another super work from your hands!! keep the good work, and maybe somre more pics from the rear side? :lol:

Guy, Yeah it is too big. A horse would look neat. A Preiser/ Elastolin (sp?) horse might be the right size, finding one might be a task though.~Gary
Thanks Roc, Stephen, Gary and Edson for your kind words and encouragement. I think the horse in the past posting is too large and will continue with the figure by himself.
Hey Guy,GREAT WORK on the Mongol so far,especially the base groundwork (y) (y) !! Since the rest think the first horse that you'd posted is too large,how's about posting the second one that you'd mentioned to let us be the judge of whether it is too small for the figure or not ? Looking forward to the next step,nonetheless ! Cheers.
Kenneth :lol:
Looking forward to that,Guy :lol: ! BTW,how come there's a message that says the image bandwidth is exceeded :( ? Just curious.
Kenneth :)
I had exceeded my storage allotment for free storage with Photobucket, even after cleaning out alot of images, they froze the image hosting for the month....but if you will look back, the images have been restored using another means.

All 4 picts
Guy, just had a peak at your latest with the Mongul worrior. A morgul worrior without a horse, just isnt right. You metioned a 65mm horse? That sould be about right in scale. A mongul horse is about 3/4 size of western bred horses. This I now for a fact as I have ben around horses all my life, and have studied them in detail. The 65mm horse should work fine with this 70mm figure. Trust me.
Thanks James,
I still haven't decided yet about the 65mm horse. It is an old casting of a Mongol horse and not the same quality as the Elite Mongol. I may have to paint it up and see how well it looks with the Mongol. I have spent the last week painting the bow case and quiver. Will post pics later.
Slow progress with the Mongol with a show in the middle of him. Here is the quiver, bow case and arrows. I hope to work on the sword tonight and dry brush the feathers on the arrows tonight. All comments are welcomed.



Nice looking detail work here Guy. I like the way you made a "simple" holder for your small parts. Keep up the work and show us more!

Jim Patrick
I like your clamps buddy, they looks so cheap, lol :lol: the proyect looks great, keep the good work, anytime I enter to the planet, Im glad to see wonderful proyects like this one, is great!!!! PF Rules!!!! :lol:

Ed ;)
Hey Guy as usual, nice work.
He is really turning out nice and I like the you are so organized,I wish I could be that organized.

keep up the good work.
