A Fixture
Elizabeth I, 1533 - 1603
200mm resin
6 parts
Sculpter & Painter unknown
200mm resin
6 parts
Sculpter & Painter unknown
Elizabeth I arrived in the mail today from Poland and after seeing the box art version posted in the new releases I dropped what I was doing and immediately opened the package.
Carefully wrapped in layers of bubble the baggie containing all the parts except the plinth was exposed. A sturdy black box with the color photo on the top for reference. The bust consisted of 6 resin parts.
2 earrings
upper bust torso
base plinth
2 earrings
upper bust torso
base plinth
I was amazed at the detail as you will see in the following photos. I immediately began taking photos so I could clean off the mold blocks and see how the kit dry-fitted. I usually don't clean up a kit and take the photos with just the mold blocks attached. Because of the immense amount of detail I decided to take photos of the kit before and after clean-up.