Ernest moving to the USA


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
One of our long time members and someone who has become a close friend of mine through MSN Messenger is taking the big step tomorrow and immigrating to the United States. Ernest is the member who just wrote the Viking Warrior article for Historical Miniature magazine. Ernest is a formidable painter, who once here, will set some new standards in figure painting at next years shows.

Right now Ernest is nervous and anxious about his move ( who wouldn't be picking up and leaving your home and friends you have known all your life) and leaves tomorrow from Caracus Venezualla. Several of us here on planetfigure have been there for Ernest while he went through the proccess of obtaining a Visa and getting ready for the big day...........which is now tomorrow. I chat with Ernest everyday and he is now pacing back and forth as everything is ready.........he's all packed and just "Waiting" for the clock to run into tomorrow.

Ernest is a Computer Graphics Designer and Illustrater and has some solid leads here when he arrives.

With the recent restrictions on what and how much you can carry aboard an airplane, Ernest has had to leave behind most all of his equipment and tools.......even his painted figures for now :( I have gone through my tools that I have accumalated over the years and will be sending Ernest tools to work with while he actually "starts all over again" and gets back into the hobby. If anyone has any tools or brushes, or any related equipment to this hobby and would like to send them on to Ernest send me a pm or email and I'll give you his address as soon as he arrives. Ernest has already been offered a Dremel system by one of our members and it awaits for him to arrive.

I really have to admire Ernest, his Mother and sister for taking this big step toward a better life and moving from their homeland. No wonder he is nervous

Ernest will probably cringe when he sees this post as he hates to ask for anything. Well, so do most people, but I feel he could use our support in this close-knit fellowship we all share.

Lets all give Ernest our support in his move to Miami and a new life.

Thanks guys
Guy, I wish I'd known more. Other than seeing his name and "soon moving to the US" or something to that effect I had no idea. Though a lot of us have never met in person, we do have a relationship of sorts with the folks we share this great hobby/art with. Mind you I'm not trying to sound sappy, but Ernest is not only coming here with dreams of a new life, he's coming to a country where he can also call some of his soon to be countrymen "friend'. Ernest no doubt will have an impact on the hobby and it will be rightly deserved. Ernest I hope our country not only meets, but exceeds you and your families expectations. Welcome friend.(y)~Gary
All the best Ernest, it's a very brave move indeed, and I wish you and your family every bit of luck with everything. Even braver considering you may have to move next door to a Jerry Springer contestant :lol: I notice you didn't go somewhere cold as well!

Seriously, you carry all our best wishes. I hope things turn out well. ;)
I wish you all the best on the move. You will do very well here and I speak from experience, as I did the same thing long gone many moons ago. :) I did it so that my children could have the chance of going to college and a good education. One of them did get to college through the Military and is now a Retired Army Sergeant. He has a Masters Degree in Business and is now on his second career.
You have my prayers for a successful transition and look forward to meeting you at a Model Show in the future. :eek:
God Bless.
Well said Guy, I am also a good friend of Ernesto's here in Venezuela and from experience he is a very kind and helpful person, I thank him the lots of tips he has given me over the last couple of years, I am very happy he is about to find a new place where he's gonna be able to achieve all his dreams and explote all his skills, Godspeed my friend, hope seeing you soon
... Man ... That's beautiful, that somebody can make his dream of a better life come true :) It's a spark of hope in a world where's too much misery.

Here's to you, Ernest, wishing you all the best in the U.S. of A. ... One day I'll visit that country too.

Meanwhile say hello to Uncle Sam from me, will you ? ;)
Hello and thanks a lot of you guys for your kind words, specially to the" ole fart" super friend Guy Herrick :) hope to meet you all of you really soon, maybe in California or Chicago also the world expo.......
I'm packing everything now and I'm in a cyber web here in Caracas, I don't know when I'm gonna have Internet conection again but I wish will be soon.....
Say good bye to all of you my cyber friends and I will be in contact with you again really soon!
Take care and the best wishes and keep the brushes wet

Hello Ernest,

sorry, but I have read this just now. It is great to hear, that your wish to become a free life, is going to become reality now. Perhaps you have arrieved your land of dreams, just now.

I wish you all the best my friend and I hope that your first steps in the new world are successful. I also hope to hear from you, soon.

The best wishes,

I know how hard it is to leave the country where you grew up even when you know you're doing it for the better.

My thoughts are with you.

Best wishes,
I was chatting with Ernesto last night, he is doing fine and happy to be in America,
he is in Florida enjoying the warm weather.

He sends his regards and hopes to be back in cyber space very soon.

Roc. :)
I just talked to Ernest on the phone and he is feeling overwhelmed by the sheer size of Miami and all that he has to do. He hopes to have his internet hooked up on Monday. He hasn't recieved the magazines I sent him but that should be today or tomorrow.
Hello Ernesto

I very happy for you Ernesto that you make this great step. I want to wish you all the good luck in your new living space.
Take care my friend and I am sure you will feel home in America.

Greetings Dick ;)
Hello Ernesto !
Here's wishing you all the very best to your NEW life in America :lol: !!! Do try to get back on the Web soon. Cheers !
Kenneth :) .